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LAST CHAPTER WHAAAT?? This is soooo tiny I'm sorry I wasn't even meant to be writing it yet. But I wanted to so yeah. There is going to be an epilogue tho. So just stay tuned!!!

~ Charlie's POV ~

I was going on my actual.
With Cody.
And holy fudge was I excited.

Being me, I stood in front of the six different clothing options I had chosen, before becoming frustrated, closing my eyes and pointing at one. I ended up wearing my black ripped skinny jeans and Good Charlotte shirt.

I paced, waiting for him to arrive. I shook my hands and wiped them on my jeans. I sat on my bed, later down, sat back up. I tapped my foot. Stood up and put some music on. Decided that that was too strange and switched it off. Sat down again. Picked up a book. Put it down. Walked to my bookshelf.

My hand had just reached out to touch a book when the doorbell went off. Oh. I wonder who's at the door? Hang on a minute.

My hand stopped mid-reach and my heart darted pounding. "Charlie!" Brad called, racing into my room. "Guess who's here?" He grinned like a cheeky school boy. I slapped him on the shoulder and took a deep breath. Just as I was about to step out the door, he grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey Charlie," he said. I raised my eyebrows at him. "You look great." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks bro!" I pulled away and skipped down the stairs.

Cody was standing awkwardly in the hallway, fiddling with the sleeves of his Green Day jumper and staring at the ground.

I walked up to him and grinned. "Hey Cody!" I said, maybe a bit too excitedly.

"Oh. Hey!" he said, sounding just as excited as I had. "Ready to go?" he asked, holding out his hand. I grabbed it gratefully and we headed out the door.

"Seeya later Brad!" I called as Cody entwined his fingers with mine.

After some fish an chips on the beach, Cody and I went for a walk. Because it was so late, it was freezing cold. Stupid me, forgot my hoodie.

I shivered and Cody slid one arm out of his jacket and pulled me in closer to him. "Here," he said. I sighed against his warmth. I laced our fingers together between us.

I looked up at Cody and smiled. "I wish it could always be like this," Cody whispered. I squeezed his hand lightly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just.. I wish that everything could feel like tonight. Where we can be us, and I'm here with you, and it's just the two of us, and nothing else matters." He stops walking and turns around, reaching for my other hand. His jumper falls off of my shoulder but I still feel warm.

"Same," I smiled simply. "I wish nothing else mattered." I sighed in that dramatic way that people always do, before looking down at our entwined hands, then back up at Cody.

"Hey Cody," I whispered. "Yeah?" he whispered back. "If nothing else matters, and its just the two of us, does that mean that we can kiss now?" I asked. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it. Cody just grinned and leaned in closer.

"Sure," he said, as he leaned down and


😊 Thxtnerdnextdoor 😊

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