Fudge Boy

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~ Brad's POV ~

I fucked up. Real badly too. Tara's ignoring me. My friends glare at me. Charlie doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. I've been sitting with some mates from my football team lately, just so that I have somebody to talk to. Kleo hasn't even spoken to me since.

At lunch time, I went and sat with my usual group, sitting down next to Barley and Cody, as they were the least likely to punch me. Everybody stopped talking and just looked at me.

I sighed, opening my lunchbox and eating an apple. Everybody continued to look at me as though I was insane. "What are you doing?" Abby finally spoke up.

"What?" I asked. "I'm eating an apple."

"Ha. Ha." Kaley sassed. "She means what are you doing here? You manwhore."

"Kaley," Tara warned. I looked at her but she avoided my eyes. God, I missed her so much.

There was a silence before Monica spoke up. "Look, Brad, you don't belong ere anymore. So just piss off and go back to slutbag and her posse of whores before I drag you there."

"I'm sorry okay?" I said. Everybody looked at me. Everyone except Charlie. "I didn't even kiss her, she kissed me!"

"But you didn't pull away." Freddy stated.

"No but I wish I did. She kind of had me trapped up against the wall, as if she was holding me there, which she was. She's not even a good kisser. It just felt as though-"

"We don't want to hear about your sex life Brad!" Charlie finally looked at me. "You seriously messed the fudge up! And if you think sorry's gonna fix it then you need to think again. God you're such an idiot!"

I pressed my lips together and looked away from my sister and back to Tara. "Look," I said. I was talking to everyone, but I just wanted Tara to listen.

"I did fuck up. I know I did. And I know that I can't say it's not my fault, because, partially, it is. I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm just asking that you take my apology. I'm such a fuck up. I know that. But I love you. And I can't lose you." I cleared my throat, breaking from the transept I was in. I looked at the others. "All of you. I can't lose you guys. You mean too much to me. And from time to time, I'm going to stuff up again," I looked back at Tara. "But I'm always going to be there. If you need a crappy shoulder to cry on or a friend or anything. I'm never going to leave. And if you guys are going to shun me then fine. But you will always be my best friends."

Tara had tears threatening to spill from her eyes, and she was biting her lip. I looked down at my lap, my speech finished. "Brad," Harper said. "That's the cutest thing you've ever said."

I looked up at the others. Mostly, they were eyeing me cautiously. I looked at Charlie. "Char," I said. She looks up at me, a frown vivid on her face.

"I don't care about the others," Tara choked out. I quickly flipped my head towards her, hoping for a smile or anything from her to say that we're okay. "But, I-I-I forgive you. You big loser."

I grinned so widely that my mouth started to hurt. Charlie groaned. "Fine!" she said, making me grin wider. "You're forgiven, you little fudge boy." I laughed. Even after all this time, Charlie still wouldn't say fuck.

The bell rang and we all hope out of our spot and walked to our separate classes. I grabbed Tara's waist and pulled her into a hug, resting my head on top of hers and my arms carefully around her waist. Her head rested on my shoulder and her hands snaked around my neck.

I betcha Kleo Walsh doesn't hug like that.

~ Cody's POV ~

Science class had to be the most boring class that we have to take. Out of our group, Charlie and I are the only two that take Physics, so we were out in the same class.

I sat at the back of the class, mindlessly watching the teacher drone on about god knows what this time. Charlie was writing stuff down in her notebook.

I ripped a little bit of paper out from my book and wrote a little note on it:

Are you seriously taking notes right now?

I handed the note to her under the table. She looked at the note and smiled. She scribbled something down before handing it back.

Nope. Just writing stuff

I looked at her confused, she wiggled her eyebrows at me, before looking back at her paper.

What are you writing?

As I handed the note to her under the table, her hand brushed mine in that cute romantic way that they do in movies. I tried to hide my blush as she read the note, before writing a reply and handing it back again.

Y do u want to no?

I smiled and wrote down:

Because you're cute when you're concentrating.

I blushed again, before writing:

And because I'm curious to know what you're doing

Just to make it seem like I wasn't flirting with her. Which I was. God I suck.

Charlie read the note over my shoulder and grinned, taking the note from my side if the desk and writing her own note.

Are you flirting with me, Mr Hawford?

I blushed again, this time though, it was extremely obvious.


I bit my lip as she read the message. She grinned largely and slipped the note into her pencil case. My heart skipped a beat as she grabbed my hand under the table.

I tried to hide my childish grin as the teacher droned on about stupid physics.

Because Science was the last class of the day, Charlie and I walked to home room together. Before we entered the room though, I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind the classroom, so nobody could see us.

"What's up?" she asked, clearly not bothered by my hand in hers.

"Go on a date with me." I said, before I lost any courage I had. Her eyes widened and I bit my lip.

"Really?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah.." I trailed off. Charlie grinned at me, letting go of my hand an walking to class.

"Okay," she said over her shoulder.


Hey guys!!!! I basically said everything I needs to in the last update so yaaa.

Everybody is sick in our town and, lucky me, caught whatever's going around. Oh fun! ah well.

Luv ya guys

😷 Thxtnerdnextdoor 😷

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