I love ice cream!

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~ Harper's POV ~

It's New Year's Eve, and my friend Charlie (my friend from dance classes) had invited me to her place for a really big sleepover. I had begged my parents to let me go, and they had finally agreed.

Charlie was basically my only friend, moving to a new town during the holidays doesn't exactly mean friends by the dozen. And Charlie knew that. I think that's why she wants me to come over tonight.

I packed my bag full of clothes and junk food. I slipped in my favourite book (Alice in Zombieland) and drawing pad, just in case Charlie's friends bore me.

I grab my stuff and head outside just as Charlie's car pulls up in my driveway.

"Hiiii!" Charlie calls from the front seat.

"Hiii!" I call back. I hop in the front and smile at Charlie, who returns the gesture.

"Now," she says. "We just have to pick up a few other people, and then we're off! I also have money for ice cream. That sound ok?"

"Totally!" I beam. I love ice cream!

"Cool!" she said. We pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road.

Charlie doesn't live too far from me, but we had to drive all around town to pick up these other people.

The first person we picked up was a guy named Gordon. Charlie told me that Gordon was going to university this year, and that her friend was totally in love with him, so he was off limits.

"Hey Charles!" he said as he hopped into the very back of the car.

"Hey Gords!" Charlie replied. "This is Harper."

"Hey!" I waved.

"Sup." he said, buckling up his seatbelt.

"Ice cream, Gords?" Charlie asked.

"Of course!" he replied. "I'm ashamed that you even had to ask!"

"Too true!" she laughed, pulling back onto the road.

The second person we picked up was a girl named Kaley. She jumped in and crawled over the backseat to sit with Gordon.

"Hi." she breathed.

"Hey, Kaley!" Charlie said enthusiastically. "This is Harper."

"Hey!" I said.

Then we picked up Monica, who sat next to Kaley. Monica was really nice, but very sarcastic! I liked her. Then, we picked up Abby, who I'd met once before at dance class. She was just staying over at Charlie's so she had to come to our dance class in the morning. Afterwards, we picked up Max, who seemed to have some tension with Abby. Lastly, we picked up a guy named Cody. This time, Charlie hopped out of the car to give the guy a hug.

When we were all in, I leaned over to Charlie. "What was that?" I whispered.

"Nothing." she whispered back. "He got me an epic Chrissy present, I owe him."

"Yeah, sure!" I whispered back.


We got to Charlie's house and I hopped out of the car. Cody and Gordon had fourteen large tubs of ice cream balancing in their arms, so I volunteered along with the girl named Kaley to take their stuff.

We went inside but no one was there. "Helllooooo?" Charlie called.

"We're up here!" a voice replied from upstairs. We all ran upstairs to see Brad (Charlie's brother) and a girl and a guy. "Hey guys!" the girl said.

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