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You guys got me to 1K reads OMG I'm so happy this ones for all of you who have stuck with it 😍
By the way guys, where I'm up to is about half way through the year, probably late June, early July. Just thought I'd clear that up.

~ Tara's POV ~

Pain. Betrayal. Agony.


That's what my mother said anyways. When I got home that afternoon I started to ball my eyes out. I dropped my bag and bolted to my room. When mum asked what was wrong I told her what Brad did. All she said was that I was overreacting. That it was nothing. Sometimes I really didn't like her.

I sat in my room at 1:00am, not being able to sleep. So I thought instead. Why would Brad cheat on me? I thought he liked me! I mean, I really liked him. He'd changed so much from the asshole that he used to be. But I guess that guy's back now.

I sighed and slipped back into bed, pulling the covers over my body and resting my head on my pillow. I thought back to the start of the year, when I used to joke about owning 27 cats.

I wonder what my 27 cats' names will be? How about Professor Mittens? Or Reginald Meowford? What about Geraldine? I don't know.

I groan and roll onto my side as my phone lights up. I see it's a text from Brad. I ignore it. Another one comes in. And another one. And another one. Then he rings my phone. Then messages me again.

I switch my phone off so that I can get some sleep, lying it on my bedside table and closing my eyes.


I woke up at nine am the next morning. NINE AM!! SHIT I'M LATE!!

I bolted out of bed, grabbing my phone to see why my alarm didn't go off. I realised that I had switched it off, and slapped my forehead. Why me?! I raced down the stairs, grabbing my school shirt and pants from the washing machine.

I sprinted to the kitchen, leaving my pyjamas on the stairs as I jumped around, trying to do up my shoelaces. I fell to the ground with a thud, groaning as I heaved myself back up again. That's when I noticed the note on the table.

Hey T
Don't worry about school today. Just have a little think, maybe do some power sleeping. Ill see you when I get home from work.
Love Mum

I sighed. Well, thanks for the heads up Mum. Ah well, at least there's a Pretty Little Liars marathon on today.

~ Judd's POV ~

Tara didn't turn up to school today. That didn't really shock me. Brad isn't sitting with us either, he's sitting with his football friends. I don't even know how to describe the way I felt towards him right now. It was kind of a mix between disgust, anger and shock.

School was actually quite boring today, as Harper was sick and Max rolled his ankle in sports class and was sent home early.

After school, though, Monica and I went around to the video game store where I had a part time job to try out the new batman video game, Arkham something or other. I ended up buying it for her, as it was heaps of fun.

I wouldn't say we skipped home, but we skipped home. Literally. Monica had ahold of my hand, and she was skipping down the road, pulling me along behind her. I just ended up skipping with her, as it was a heck of a lot easier than trying to slow her down.

When we reached Monica's house, she let go of my hand to unlock the door. Apparently her parents weren't home.

We stepped inside and Mon locked the door. Okay? We went up to her bedroom and threw all of our stuff on the floor. For some reason, Mon was avoiding eye contact, which was strange for her.

I walked over slowly, resting one hand on her chin. "Mon," I said. "What's up babe?"

"Nothing," she said quietly.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Mmhmm.." she trailed off. Her eyes met mine before I was pulled into a sweet, and amazingly sexy, kiss. Things got heated, and before long, I had Mon lying on her bed in her underwear as I hovered slightly above her in nothing but boxers. (A/N: I feel really odd writing this but ah well. It's important to the plot peeps)

"Judd," Mon whispered.

I softly kissed her again. "Mmhmm," I mumbled against her lips.

"I-I'm ready," she said, staring deep into my eyes. Her eyes, they were so beautiful. I loved them. Almost as much as I loved her.


Okay so a) I AM SOOOOOO SORRY FOR NEVER UPDATING HIGH SCHOOL IS SUCH A BITCH AND IE HAD MEGA WRITERS BLOCK AND JUST UUUUUGH LIFE RIGHT NOW!!! I work now too, so that's been taking up a lot of my free time, plus all this homework is killing me. And the fact that all of my favourite bands have new shit out like EVERY DAY it's killing me.

Okay b) me says happy birthday to my madre, but also to @cdowg1098 and Luke and Ashton and whoever else's birthdays I missed.


d) does anybody have Twitter? if so, comment ur usernames! Ill go and follow all of youuuu (even though there's barely anybody)

e) I think I've written a really long A/N, so ill leave now. Lava you all!!

🐘 thxtnerdnextdoor 🐘

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