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~ Harper's POV ~

When I woke up, I was still nuzzled into Barley's chest. He had a protective arm around me, and he was snoring slightly. I yawned and he groaned, opening his eyes and smiling at me.

"Good morning," he said.

"Morning." I replied.

We slipped silently out of the tent to see an empty fireplace. A stack of cereal boxes stood next to an assortment of bowls. I figured that someone must be awake. I shivered from the cold and Barley wrapped an arm around me.

Charlie came bursting through the foliage. "Hey guys." she said rather glumly.

"Hey," Barley said. "What's up?"

"It's nothing really." she said, kneeling next to he cereals and selecting CocoPops. "I just haven't seen Cody since last night and I'm a bit worried."

"I don't know sorry." I said, handing her a bowl. "What happened with you two?"

Charlie took a deep breath. "It's nothing." she said, going back to pouring her cereal. "But I have a feeling he's in Max's tent, seeing as though Judd never came back from taking Monica to her tent, and I ended up sharing with Abby."

"Okay," I said.

"Charlie don't lie," Barley said. "What happened?"

"It's nothing really, don't panic over it."

Barley opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Freddy rolling out of his tent, stumbling up and stretching. He dropped his arms and grinned, blinking his eyes when he saw us.

"Oh HEY guys!" he said.

"Wow, someone's happy," Charlie smiled a bit.

"Why shouldn't I be?" he asked. "I have an amazing life, amazing family, amazing friends, a nice house, a beautiful girlfriend... I'm grand!" Freddy waved his arms around, pointing to everything in the campsite.

The four of us got our breakfast and sat around the dead campfire. I chewed carefully at my cornflakes, waiting for the others to get up.


~ Judd's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of a startled gasp. I inched one eye open to see who had made the noise. My eye was met with two brown ones, staring at me as though I was naked or something. Monica.

"Hey," I said, stretching.

"Why are you here?!" she asked.

"You fell asleep last night so I took you to your tent," I explained.

"Is that it?" she asked.

"Yeah," I lied. "I must have fallen asleep too." What I was casually leaving out was what also happened.

I had just placed a still sleeping Monica on her mattress. She looked so peaceful when she slept, it made me smile. I knelt beside her for a minute, listening to her steady breathing. She rolled over and reached a hand over towards me. I hesitated, before carefully slipping my hand into hers. "Judd?" she asked. "Yeah, it's me," I said. "Judd," she said. "Stay."

I smiled, before slipping onto the mattress beside her, covering myself with the blanket Monny was holding open for me. I wrapped an arm around her waist, nuzzling my head into her neck. I looked at her and she smiled sleepily. She kissed my forehead, before lying down and drifting off.

So yeah, last night was pretty cool. I finally realised how much I liked this girl. I had no idea that one person could make me feel happy, but also nervous and excited, all rolled into one. I'm just used to boring, simple girls who are practically sluts. I'm only used to make out sessions and the occasional gone-a-bit-too-far, none of this mushy romantic stuff. I like it.

"Thank god," she said. I frowned a bit. "No," she said hurriedly. "I just mean thank god nothing happened, like, well you know what I mean."

I grinned and laughed slightly. "Do you want to go get some food?" I asked.

"Yes. God I'm STARVING!" she said, rushing out of the tent, me following.

I stumbled out of the tent, only to be met with stares. Gordon, Kaley, Charlie, Tara, Freddy, Barley, Imogen, Harper and Abby sat around what was left of our fire, chewing silently on their cereals.

"Hey guys" I said, stretching my arms above my head. I got a few mumbled responses of "Hey's" and Hi's". "Wow, you guys seem energetic today." I laughed.

"Where are the others?" Monny asked, sitting down on a log and grabbing the Fruit Loops. I sat down next to her, just as a sleepy Max wandered out of his tent. He plonked himself down next to Abby, quietly kissing her forehead. Imogen gasped and Kaley nawed, Charlie giving a small smile.

"When did that happen?" Monica asked, scratching her forehead. I laughed and silently put my arm over her shoulder. Surprisingly, Monica didn't hesitate, resting her head on my shoulder.

I looked around the group. Everyone seemed to be falling in love, like the plot of an amazingly romantic love story. Abby and Max, nuzzling against each other. Gordon and Kaley, laughing at something random I guess. Imogen pressing her finger to Freddy's nose. Harper and Barley taking spoonfuls out of each other's cereals. Tara sitting on Brad's lap. Monica, with her head on my shoulder. Charlie, sitting alone...

"Char, where's Cody?" I asked. Charlie raised her head, as if woken from a trance. She looks around the group. "What?" she asked. "Isn't he here?"

"No," I said. She looked around, her eyes widening. "Um, I don't know." she whispered, her voice wavering slightly. "He didn't turn up in our tent last night." Everyone was looking at Charlie now. "Has anyone else seen him?" she asked.

Everybody shook their heads. "Well then," Charlie stood up. "I should probably go and look for him." She chucked her half-eaten cereal on the ground and ran into the trees.

The group fell silent.


This was kinda short but imma finish it here coz I feel like it lol. I just went through the story and counting how many POV's each person had, poor Freddy, Judd and Gordon only have ONE POV THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE STORY IM SORRY GUYS I LUV YA.

Casually talking to my characters like they're real people.

So I just wanted to say that I hope that Mikey recovers quickly. I no that this happened last week and all but I still want to send him my wishes. Wub choo Mikael.


🐦🐦 thxtnerdnextdoor 🐦🐦

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