𝒊𝒗. the baseball game

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"WAIT, SO HOTCH DOES KNOW?" The answer came out as a question as JJ spoke to Casey. The two were currently in the office, getting coffee. They had been the only few in besides Rossi, Hotch, Blake and Garcia.

"He knows but he likes to pretend he doesn't know." Casey told. They were currently talking about Hotch knowing about Casey and Reid's relationship. He was the only one that didn't say anything to them when they pretty much revealed their relationship.

"So, you guys have never actually admitted to him that you're together?" JJ asked. Casey shakes her head. "No, we haven't told him." JJ furrowed her brows. "So how does he know?"

Casey nods, matter-of-factly. "He knows," She tosses her thumb over at the coffee machine. "The other day, Spencer and I were standing over at the coffee machine and he cuts right in between us."

JJ chuckles, "He is such a dad." Casey shakes her head. "He's a dad I don't want. I already have one of those." She joked as JJ playfully rolled her eyes at her friend. The two walk up to the round-table room as everyone joins them for the next case.

       "Last night in Miami, the body of Amanda Lopez was found in an alley. She had been brutally beaten and suffocated." Garcia explained. "Twenty-three years old, originally from Tampa, ran away from her foster home when she was 16 years old." Morgan added. "Runaway, prostitute. She couldn't be more high risk." Alex stated.

      "And there was evidence of sexual assault, a lot of it." Garcia added. "Occupational hazard," Rossi told. "No way to tell if our unsub is responsible for that." Casey looks at the file and her eyebrows raise. "Beating and suffocation. So, he's a sadist." The girl concluded. "A lot of violence. Were there any other victims?" Reid asked as he looked over his girlfriend's shoulder at her folder.

      "Uh, actually, yes, but not the human variety. In the last month, six puppies have been suffocated and beaten, and thank God there are no photos, because I draw the line at dead dogs." Garcia explained.

       Casey furrowed her brows as Rossi speaks,
"We sure it's the same guy?" He asks. "Identical DNA samples were found at all the crime scenes, but no match in the CODIS database." Hotch explained. "Even if there was a match, it might not give us an ID." JJ told.

       "That sure is a lot of rage." Morgan says. "I wonder why he's so angry." Rossi shrugs, "It's about the power. Suffocation takes work." Casey nods in agreement. "He likes it up close and personal. It's what gets him riled up." The girl told.

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