𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒙. impulse control

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     WHY DID I SUGGEST THIS? Vivian Hudson thought as Aaron Hotchner was currently in the restroom at the restaurant that Casey recommended to go to for their date. And Vivian was beginning to regret it, in all honesty.

      Sure, asking Hotch out on a date wasn't totally ideal but it seemed like a great idea, but that's all it was. An idea. Going through with it was surely the most awkward thing that either of them had to experience.

Hotch had arrived back at the table after about five minutes and immediately apologized as he headed back to the table. "I'm sorry about that. Long line in the bathroom." He lied. The truth had been that Hotch had called Rossi for some dating advice. It'd been a while since he was in the dating scene. He was sure that the last date he'd been on was when he was with Beth and that was over a year ago. And she didn't have the same job as him. He never dated someone inside of his own field of work.

        "Oh, it's fine." Vivian shook her head. Hotch settled back into his seat and looked at the woman in front of him. "Now, where were we?" He asked.

       "We were just talking about how we didn't want to talk about work." Vivian told. "Right," Hotch nodded, remembering now. "It'll probably be best if we don't discuss details of cases in public." Vivian nodded in agreement.
"Right." She said.

       With that, the two started sitting in a very awkward silence. What else could they talk about besides work? They met and worked together. Vivian looked around, this was a definite challenge. To be on a date and have nothing to talk about was new to her. When she first met her husband, they'd instantly click. With Hotch, it was like she had nothing to talk about. And Hotch felt weird. All he could think about was his son. How it felt for her son to adjust to Beth and now that Beth was out of the picture, Vivian was here and threw everything off. Not that she could throw everything off, Hotch meant that she just... Hotch didn't know what he meant. In ways, the two were intimidated by each other.

      Figures. After a moment of no words being spoken, of course they both had to say something at the same time.

      "You first." Hotch offered and Vivian took a deep breath, figuring out how to word this. She didn't want to offend him, but she had to be truthful on the first date. "Is this weird?" She questioned. "Us being out like this for you? Because... I have to admit. I'm feeling a little queasy."

       "Queasy?" Hotch asked. "I make you feel sick?"

       "Not—Not in a bad way." Vivian immediately interjected. "No, not at all! I mean, queasy, as in I haven't been on a real restaurant date since my husband died kind of queasy." She admitted and Hotch nodded with a small smile that Vivian rarely could ever see, but in reality, Hotch knew that she was the one person he would smile around.
"Trust me, I haven't been on a date like this since before Jack." He admitted himself.

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