𝒙𝒍𝒗. remembering

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        IT WASN'T OFTEN THAT CASEY GOT TO HANG OUT WITH THE WOMEN ON THE TEAM. I mean, ever since she had the baby, she'd never have a minute of quiet time with her friends and coworkers. So when JJ invited the woman to go get coffee with her, Kate and Vivian, Casey immediately said yes.

      The women had all currently been hanging out together — minus Penelope, since she was called into the office last minute. An ambulance had been passing by them and before they could continue their conversation, a call had come to JJ from Penelope.

     "Hey, Penelope. What's up?" JJ asks. "Are Kate, Vivian and Casey with you?" Garcia asks, urgency in her voice. "Yeah, right here." Kate nods. "We're bringing you an extra-foam latte. Don't worry, we're not far." Casey tells.

     "Keep it," Garcia told, causing the women to look at one another in confusion. Garcia never passed up on coffee. "What's going on, Garcia?" Vivian asked. "Something awful happened. Everyone's meeting at the plane." Garcia told.

    "All right, we're on our way." JJ says as the women head towards to the location of the jet.

     Vivian, JJ, Kate and Casey are met with Spencer as they board onto the plane. "All right, let's go, Garcia." Hotch starts as soon as they enter.

     "Trans Alliance flight 420 just crashed in a Colorado field northwest of Durango." Garcia informs and Casey closes her eyes and then looks at Kate. Rossi gave Kate the same look.

     "Any survivors?" Kate asks. "152 passengers, all presumed dead." Hotch informs as Casey shakes her head at the thought as she buckles up next to her husband-to-be.

     "Where was it coming from?" Morgan asks. "Pittsburgh. It was going to Phoenix." Garcia answered. "So it happened in mid-flight? The plane just fell out of the sky?" JJ asks.

     "That's highly unusual. 80% of plane crashes happen within 3 minutes of takeoff or 8 minutes of landing." Spencer says. "Well, an early call came into local law enforcement from a witness who said he saw "a streak of light" in the sky just before the crash." Garcia informs.

      "Surface-to-air missile." Vivian stated. "We've been asked to determine if there was a crime. And if so, give the profile of the offender." Rossi tells. "Are we actually sure that there's somebody behind this?" Casey asks. "It's the only logical reason for why we're being called here." Vivian assumes.

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