𝒍𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. town pariahs

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"AFTER YOU, WIFE." Spencer opened the glass doors to the bullpen for his new wife to enter first. Casey nods and smiles as she enters through the doors. "Why, thank you, husband." Casey chuckled as the two headed over to their desks.

"Oh, look, who's back from their honeymoon!" Morgan stated, motioning towards Casey and Spencer as he stood with Tara. The couple had taken a few weeks off so they could take a honeymoon to the Bahamas. "Thought you'd guys be out a few more weeks." Tara told.

"Oh, and leave you guys defenseless against the bad guys? Come on. You can't solve half of our cases without us and Garcia." Casey told.

The two got settled in until they were called in for a case. Of course, on the day they return to work. Casey had currently been showing photos of herself and Spencer at the Bahamas to Vivian. "Oh, that's my dream vacation. How on earth did you guys get to go to the Bahamas? Not on our salaries, certainly." Vivian asks.

"Well, it was actually Rossi's wedding present to us," Casey told, motioning towards Rossi. "Thank you, again, by the way." Rossi smiles a bit, "Don't mention it, Mrs. Reid."

"It is Mrs. Reid now, isn't it?" Morgan asks curiously. Casey takes a seat next to Spencer. "Actually, I'm keeping my last name. Can't afford for us to get confused when you ask for 'Reid'." Spencer shrugs in agreement with Casey as she grabs hold of his hand.

         Garcia comes in and has a scared look on her face. Casey reads into her look and sighs: "How bad?" Garcia looks at them. "Florida."

         "Why is it always Florida?" Casey asked.

         Tara and Hotch are the final ones to walk in as Garcia introduces the case to them. Apparently, there had been a neighborhood or a planned community filled with sex offenders in the state. It disgusted Casey, but she was able to stomach it for the sake of the case.

       "Glenport Village, Florida, houses a wide spectrum of non-violent offenders, crimes ranging from statutory rape to public urination in front of children. No rapists or murderers until now." Spencer explained. "Well, that's a shock." Casey comments.

      "Well, I can tell you one thing. Reverend Santos and his community are dedicated to reform." Tara told. "It says here he went to jail at 18 for impregnating his 15-year-old girlfriend." Rossi read in the file. "Hm, Reverend Santos seems like a saint." Casey comments, sarcastically with a hint of disgust lingering in her voice.

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