𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒗. matriarch

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SPENCER AND CASEY HAD ADJUSTED TO LIFE PRETTY WELL SINCE THEY HAD THEIR SON. That was what Spencer thought at least. He was currently looking for his fiancée in the office and couldn't see to find her anywhere. He had then come across JJ, Vivian and Blake sitting and chatting together.

"Hey, have you guys seen Casey anywhere?" Spencer decided to ask. "She went to go take a phone call." Blake stated and then Spencer had come to the realization of what she was doing. "Oh, no." He had began to rush towards the entrance of the office and had gotten there just in time as Casey was dialing the number to her grandmother to check how the baby was doing.

Before Casey could press 'call', Spencer took the phone from her hands. "Nope." He said as he did so. Casey sighed, realizing she had been caught. "Come on. It's normal for a mother to check in on her baby once in a while." She reasoned.

"Not when once in a while is every fifteen minutes." Spencer stated, causing Casey to sigh and realize that maybe she was going a bit overboard.

"Christopher is fine, he's safe, he's okay. He's with Edith and he's perfectly snug in his crib." Spencer tries to calm Casey's nerve and Casey understands what he's trying to do. "I know, but..."

Spencer sighs, "I miss him, too. But I know he's in good hands." Casey sighs again. "I know. The separation anxiety is really getting to me." She tells.

"I get it," Spencer pulls his girlfriend closer to him. "You have no idea how much I want to see him. But we can get through it together." He assures.

Casey nods, "You're right. I will try and go the next case without calling and checking in."

As if one cue, Hotch walks towards the conference room with Garcia following behind. "Guys, we have a case." Hotch announces and Spencer and Casey look each other's way.

"Starting now?" Spencer questions.
Casey clears her throat, "I spoke too soon."

The team makes their way over to the room and look at the files in front of them. "Alright, my lovelies," Penelope starts. "Daniel and Rachel West, 27 and 25, have just been reported missing. They were both going to visit Rachel's parents in Ohio. Rachel's mother contacted the police when they hadn't arrived. Rachel's car was found on the side of the road."

"No signs of struggle?" Morgan asks.
"No signs of them being in the car at all," Garcia shows them the photos of the abandoned vehicle. "They took everything with them and it looked like the car was completely clean."

"Are we ruling this out as an abduction case? There's no signs leading to it." Vivian tells. "Swiped 'em and ran." Rossi comments.

"Rachel's mother said that she based it on mother's intuition." Hotch tells the team to which JJ and Casey both nod.
"That sounds about right."

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