𝒄𝒊𝒗. green light

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ONCE SPENCER HAD FIGURED OUT THAT LINDSEY VAUGHN WAS INVOLVED IN ALL OF THIS, HE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT IT OVER TO EMILY AND FIONA. Of course, he was going insane over this and the fact that he stated that a victim from almost ten years ago was responsible for this didn't exactly make sense.

           Emily had tried to call Casey in to tell her what Reid had suspected but Casey didn't answer. They honestly didn't think much of it since Casey was sleeping in most of the time anyways. They'd called Leah and Isaac to see if they'd seen her or Chris and Leah said that they went to go back to Casey and Spencer's place and she hadn't heard from them since.

Emily had sent JJ and Stephen over to Casey and Spencer's apartment to see if Casey and Chris were there. JJ had tried calling Casey numerous times but all she got was her message. "Hey, this is Casey Willows. You know what to do." JJ sighs, listening to the voicemail again.

"Went to voicemail again?" Stephen asks. "Yeah," JJ stated. "Casey most of the time answers her phone. And Cassie, Diana's caretaker, she's a professional. She would never let her battery die." JJ told. She'd tried calling both Casey and Cassie and neither of them answered.

When they arrived at the apartment complex, they headed upstairs and JJ decided to knock. "Casey? Diana? Cassie? It's me, Jennifer." JJ announced.

JJ had grabbed the keys Casey lent her and once she opened the door, both Stephen and JJ pulled their guns out and entered. They checked around and no one had been around. "Nobody's home." said Stephen.

"No, the scene doesn't say abduction—" JJ pauses and looks at the ground. "But this might." She knelt over and spotted blood on the ground. Stephen looked over and found Casey's cell phone near it.

"Oh, God. Casey." JJ spoke and then looked up at Stephen. "We need to call Emily."

          Meanwhile, Emily and Rossi were currently explaining the case regarding Lindsey Vaughn nearly ten years ago to the rest of the team. "We first came across the Vaughns ten years ago when Lindsey Vaughn and her friend, Katie Owen were abducted outside of a crowded movie theater by three men." Emily explained.

          "Ryan Phillips, the triad's dominant, tortured and strangled Katie." Rossi added. "Jack Vaughn then took matters into his own hands, using his skills to find Lindsey." Emily said. "It ended when Jack murdered Phillips in front of her, Casey and Reid." Rossi told.

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