𝒙𝒄𝒗𝒊𝒊. spencer

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IT HAD BEEN AT LEAST A DAY SINCE SPENCER LEFT. He let her know he was there in Houston and would probably be back in a few days. Casey didn't worry too much about it.

But today was different. From the minute Casey woke up this morning, she felt like something was wrong. She had Leah come over to get Chris and take him back to Leah's place so she could go into work today and Miss Campbell had come to tend to Diana. There was a pit in the bottom of her stomach that told her something was wrong. Something was wrong. But what was wrong?

Casey had tried to push that empty pit in her stomach down as she walked into the office. She got her cup of coffee and went over to her desk to settle in. From afar, Rossi and Emily were watching from Emily's office, wondering how Casey was going to take this news they just received.

            Emily takes a deep breath before exiting her office. "Casey," She calls from upstairs and it causes the woman to whip her head up to Emily. "Can I speak to you for a moment?" She asks and Casey furrows her brows lightly before nodding, "Yeah, sure."

            Wondering what she could've done recently, she walks up the stairs to Emily's office. As soon as she enters, she sees that Rossi is in the room and Emily closes the door behind. This must be serious. The pit in Casey's stomach grew as Emily urged her to sit on the couch.

            Casey takes a seat and Emily and Rossi lock eyes before Emily speaks, "Do you know where Spencer is, right now?"

           "Uh, he told me he was going to Houston to talk to his some of his mom's doctors... he's been gone for at least a day or two, why?" Casey looked at both Rossi and Emily in confusion and Emily looks a little confused as well. "He didn't tell you?" She asks.

Casey furrows her brows. "Tell me what?" Emily and Rossi lock eyes again and Casey's fears are heightened. She hates that her mind goes to sudden death in this moment. Rossi and Emily remain quiet for a few more seconds when Casey urges, "Emily."

Emily takes a deep breath before she starts, "Casey, I just received a call and the Matamoros chief of police told me that Reid got arrested in Mexico." In that moment, Rossi and Emily expect Casey to break down in tears, for her to question what's happened. But what surprises them the most is Casey breaking out in hysterical laughter.

Through her laughter, Casey speaks, "You really got me. That's... that's... that's funny." Her laughter turns into small chuckles. "But he's... he's Reid. Okay, there is no way that Reid could..." The minute she looks at Rossi and Emily and sees they aren't laughing with her, she sees their serious expressions and stops laughing altogether.

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