𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. gabby

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        IT WAS RARE WHEN SPENCER AND CASEY HAD COMPANY, ESPECIALLY WITH THE NEW BABY. But tonight was one of those nights that they needed company over. So, they had decided to invite the team over but everyone had been busy — all except for Blake and Vivian.

          The two were invited for dinner and they had poke for dinner. Spencer had cleaned up once everyone was finished and had gotten the wine out. He also had the task of changing Christopher and getting him ready for bed while Casey kept their guests company.

         "Vivian, I'm gonna need you to be real honest with me, right here, right now." Casey spoke to her coworker. "Is there something going on between you and Hotch?"

         Vivian had thought the question to be the most absurd question she's ever been asked. "What? That is ridiculous! Are you hearing this?" She looked over to Blake, who raised her brows. "Spencer, are you hearing this?" Vivian questioned to the man walking around, cleaning things up.

         "Believe me, I hear it all the time." Spencer says, hearing back to the nursery. "Casey's got a point," Blake spoke. "We see the googley eyes you and Hotch make to each other when you think no one's looking." Casey motions towards Blake, who's agreeing with her.

        "There are no googley eyes." Vivian tells.
        "Oh, there are so googley eyes." Casey says.

         Vivian signs before thinking: "Okay, well, if you must know... we did have dinner a couple of weeks ago."

         Both Casey and Blake are shocked by this news as Blake nearly spits her drink out and Casey's eyes widen. "What?!" She asks.

        "Not together together, no, Jack was there. But he invited me to dinner at his place with both of them since I was doing nothing on Valentine's Day." Vivian shrugs. "Ooh!" Casey cheers like a teenager. "But it was just as friends. As coworkers!" Vivian explains.

        Both Casey and Blake share a look as Casey sneakily says: "Mmm. Okay." Vivian looks at the two. "Though, I will admit... he is charming, attractive, funny, sexy."
        "Okay, gross, he's like my dad, TMI." Casey tells.
        "But 1) he's my boss and 2) he just went through a breakup." Vivian finishes.

         "Vivian, I swear I will get you guys together. Just watch me." Casey says. "But I thought people weren't allowed to date in the BAU." Blake says and then Casey points towards Spencer who is still listening to the conversation and points to Casey. "Forgive me, I forgot whose house I was at." Blake jokes.

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