𝒙𝒄. loss and gain

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CASEY, SPENCER, LUKE, TARA AND JJ HAD ALL ARRIVED AT THE OFFICE TOGETHER, LUKE TELLING A STORY TO THE THREE, ONLY FOR SPENCER TO SECOND-GUESS IT. As Casey arrived right at her desk, Garcia had come up to the four with concern on her face.

"Thank God you guys are here. What do you know?" Garcia questions, causing both JJ and Casey to furrow their brows. "Nothing." JJ answers. "What's up?" Casey asks the woman.

"Okay. Rossi got here crazy early, and then right when Prentiss came in he pulled her in there." Rossi and Emily had exited from Hotch's office as they noticed the rest of the team arriving. "We need to talk." Rossi announces and Casey gulps, looking at her husband and he's just as confused as her.

Hesitantly, the team follows up to the conference room, all wondering what the big fuss is about. "Okay, okay. What's going on?" Garcia starts. "Is something wrong?" Casey follows.

Rossi takes a breath and speaks, "It's Hotch."

Garcia gasps. "Oh, my God. Is he okay?" She questions and Rossi nods, "He's okay. But he has not been away on special assignment. That's something we had to say as a cover for the investigation." Casey furrows her brows. "What investigation? What's going on?" She questions.

"Hotch saw Peter Lewis watching one of Jack's soccer games." Rossi told and Casey's eyes widen. "By the time Hotch reacted, Lewis had taken off. The Bureau searched the area, but he disappeared." Emily informed.

"When was this?" JJ questions. "Days after Mr. Scratch resurfaced in Arizona." Rossi answers.

"One of the victims was chanting his name when we found her." Tara spoke. "She had 'HOTCH' carved into her forehead. It really got to him."

"Why didn't we know about this?" Casey questions. "Yeah, why didn't he tell us? We could have focused on finding Mr. Scratch." Spencer tells. "He knows we can't drop everything. Also, he didn't want to worry everyone."

"So now what? They have around-the-clock surveillance?" Luke questions. "Initially, yes. Agents were assigned to watch Jack 24/7. But when we were all in LA, on the John David Bates case, Scratch surfaced again, this time at Jack's school." Rossi tells and Casey shakes her head as JJ spoke, "Going after Jack takes this to a whole new level."
"And why Jack? Why Hotch? Why them?" Casey questions.

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