𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. alright to fight

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        SINCE VIVIAN HAD SENT IN HER LETTER OF RESIGNATION, EMILY HAD COME BY TO TAKE OVER FOR THE TIME BEING. She had currently taken over Hotch's office and Casey had gone up to greet her before going back downstairs to see her husband, spinning in his chair.

       "Yes!" Spencer cheered, tapping onto his desk rhythmically and he spun in his chair. Rossi approached him as did his wife. "Am I interrupting a private moment?" Rossi asked. "Someone's a happy boy." Casey teased.

      Spencer stopped spinning and looked at the two. "That was the director of the assisted care home where my mother lives."

      "And?" Rossi asks.

      "I kept quiet because I didn't want to jinx it, but there's a groundbreaking clinical study on Alzheimer's at Johns Hopkins next month, and I just found out that my mom's gonna be one of the participants. She got in."

      "She got in? That's great!" Casey smiled. Of course, she knew about the clinical trial and kept quiet for her husband but she was happy to know that she got in.  "That's great news, Spencer." Rossi nods.

       "It's huge," Spencer tells. "The program's called metabolic enhancement for neuro-degeneration, and results from earlier tests are hopeful, not just to slow the disease but to actually reverse it. Yeahhh!" Spencer cheered loudly, causing a chuckle to escape from his wife's lips.

        "I'm so happy for you, baby!" Casey smiled as Spencer stood up, peppering his wife's face with kisses and then pulling away almost immediately. "Sorry, sorry, I got a little, uh, little carried away, I just can't believe she got in."

         Garcia then approached the three. "Okay, it's customary that the lottery winner shares that mega-payout with the rest of the office."

       "Well, Reid's news is even better than that." Rossi tells. Garcia's jaw then drops. "Oh, my god. Are you pregs again?" Casey and Spencer immediately tell the woman, "No, no." Casey then speaks, "That may get him a little more excited that this."

       "Oh. I can't wait to hear then, but right now we got a case." Garcia admits and the three follow behind her as they go into the conference room.

      "Just spoke to Hotch. He's still on TDY but available for consulting if we need him." Rossi tells as he, Casey and Spencer all sit down.

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