𝒙𝒊𝒙. brothers hotchner

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IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS AND CASEY HADN'T TOLD THE TEAM YET. She and Spencer wanted to wait for the right time to tell them. So, for now, they kept it to themselves and Casey was still processing the fact that she was bearing a child now even though it was probably the size of a peanut.

The team was currently on their way to Manhattan for a new case that involved Hotch's brother and people dying from odd drug overdoses. Hotch was already in Manhattan visiting Beth so the rest of team, along with Strauss, was heading there now.

       "This is more than product tampering. This is mass murder." Morgan told. "Overdosing certainly seems like a hard sell now." Rossi stated. "How is he taking out experienced partiers and non-drug users at the same time?" Strauss asked.

       "He has to be dosing his victims without their knowledge somehow." Blake told. "It's definitely a randomized set of killings, as well." Casey added.

        "Ecstasy can be made in pill, powder, and liquid form. It wouldn't be that hard to slip something into someone's drink or to convince them the pill they're taking is safe." Reid explained. "So even regular users might not know they're being dosed until it's too late." JJ adds.

        Strauss continued, "Why kill in such a graphic manner?" JJ shrugged, "Well, he gets off on the spectacle.
It's not just about the victims with this guy. It's about the witnesses. He incites fear."

       "Which means the unsub is desperate for attention and he wants all eyes on his work because he craves recognition." Blake added on. "He'll be paying close attention to the media, then." Rossi stated. "It allows him
to relive his crimes."

      "You know, the medium of his kill is interesting. He's picking a drug that's known for its euphoric effect. It's like he wants to take that happiness away." Reid told. "Well, it can't be a coincidence that the majority is victims are known drug users. He's taking the law into his own hands."

       "But what about the two who were clean?" Blake furrowed her brows. "Linda Heying and Erik Sullivan's families insist they never touched the stuff."

       Casey looks down at the file and pictures in front of her and sighs, "Either the victims are good at hiding the truth or the unsub's killing for another reason." Rossi nods, "We should take a closer look and see how they're connected."

        They finished debriefing on the jet and were separated into different groups. JJ, Casey, Morgan and Reid had all gone to the club where the latest victims were. Casey had looked around on the dance floor and watched as the victims were put in zip bags. The victims were kids, teenagers. She couldn't help but think of their families and how they'd react to their children. She shook her head at the thought and met up with Spencer, who had finished talking to a kid that had survived.

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