𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. derek

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CASEY WILLOWS WASN'T EXPECTING A CALL FROM HER BOSS RIGHT BEFORE HER AND HER HUSBAND WERE GETTING READY FOR BED. She definitely wasn't expecting the call detailing that Derek Morgan had gone missing.

Apparently, Savannah had heard Morgan getting taken and he told her to call Hotch immediately before all she could hear was scuffling. Casey had broken the news to Spencer, who obviously took this to heart considering Morgan was his best friend.

Spencer and Casey were ordered to go to where Derek was last seen, which was the grocery store. His car was still there and his cell was broken. They had finally made it to the BAU to tell Hotch what they had found.

       "What did you find?" Hotch asks. "No sign of him. But they left this in his car at the parking lot." Spencer explained as he handed Hotch the broken phone. "Could Savannah tell us anything? Maybe she heard someone on the other line." Casey suggested.

      "She said she thought she heard three attackers and that Morgan sounded drugged before they cut off the call." Hotch told. "Then, this was a planned attack, most likely professional. They had him where they wanted him." Casey told.

       "We did just take down a network of online hitmen, but if this is blowback, why Morgan?" Spencer questioned. "We have to assume that we're all targeted," Hotch said as Casey's breath hitches in her throat. "I've put protective details on each of our families, but I want Savannah to stay here." Casey sighed in relief, happy to know her son and siblings would be okay.

       "How is she?" Casey asked. Hotch looked towards Rossi's officer where Rossi and Vivian were talking to her as she paced. "She's being brave." Hotch stated.

        Garcia had called the team up to tell them what she found herself so Casey and Hotch headed to the conference room where JJ and Garcia were at as Spencer grabbed Rossi and Vivian from Rossi's office.

         When everyone got settled in the office, Garcia started as she had everyone pay attention to the screen. "This is the block Derek was taken from. That blue dot is him. And then at 9:23, we lose him. So I checked all the other cell signals in the area. They're all legit, aside from one that I was only able to find thanks to some technology no one outside this room needs to know about."

       "What is that?" Spencer asked.

       "An encrypted signal most likely bouncing off a satellite." Hotch stated. "I know we're thinking this would be tied to our Darknet investigation, but satellite encryption is much higher in technology than most online crime." Spencer explained.

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