𝒍𝒊𝒊. gideon

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UTTER SILENCE. It was all there was when Spencer drove Casey down to the cabin. The cabin they were all too familiar with. The cabin Casey grew up in. The cabin that belonged to Casey's uncle, Jason Gideon.

Once Spencer's Volvo pulled up in front of the cabin, Casey's heart dropped down to her chest. And she didn't know it, but Spencer's did, too. Neither of them wanted to get out of the car. Neither of them wanted to discover what they were gonna find in there.

Casey stared down at her hands in her lap as Spencer closed his eyes tightly. The Willows didn't even bother to look up as Spencer looked her way. "We have to go in." Spencer said in a whisper almost. Casey shook her head as he placed a hand on her thigh. His fingertips grazing her knuckles in her lap. "I don't wanna go in." She sniffled, trying to keep it together. She had to keep it together for him. And he knew he had to be the same for her. They both lost someone that was important to both of them.

        Hesitating, Spencer opened the car door and got out of the car and went over to her side to open her car door for her. Spencer held his hand out for her to grab. Casey looked at him and took a shaky breath, knowing she was going to have to go in that cabin eventually. She grabbed onto his hand and she got out of the car.

       Flashbacks came flooding back of the time she and Spencer had come to see if Gideon was here, only to find two letters addressed to them from Gideon. It was the last they heard of him.

        Spencer and Casey had walked in to the cabin, the door being open with the rest of the team already inside. Casey entered first, Spencer behind her and holding her hand tightly. The first thing Casey noticed were the faces of pity of her team members, not only to her but to Spencer as well, all wondering how they were handling this.

        The second thing Casey noticed was the smell. It was the same smell that lingered all of the times she came to visit the cabin. Plywood and trees, not to forget soap. The mixture caused Casey's stomach to swirl in anxiousness. She didn't know why, she just was.

        And the third and final thing she noticed was how tight Spencer gripped onto her hand when they both saw the body of her uncle, Jason Gideon, on the ground. Casey had been solely focused on the body that she hadn't noticed Morgan and Garcia walked in right afterward.

         Garcia had immediately come over to Casey's aid, holding onto her by her side, rubbing her arm soothingly. Casey looked up at Hotch, who was standing near the body. She only saw the sheet. She didn't want to believe it. So, her voice shook as she asked in barely audible whisper: "Are you sure?"

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