𝒙𝒄𝒊𝒊. recess

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THERE HAD BEEN TALK WITHIN THE BAU THAT EMILY WAS BRINGING IN A NEW AGENT TO THE UNIT. And most of the team had already been gossiping about it in the office.

      "Does anyone know when agent fill-in-the-blank is gonna start?" Garcia questioned Spencer, Casey, JJ and Luke as they were talking about it. "Because I cannot begin my detailed, rumor-based background check without a name." Casey snickered, "Rumor based, got it."

      "You couldn't find anything out with all your super powers?" Luke asked, jokingly. "Oh, ha ha, newbie. It's not like I haven't tried. I checked with all the MES in other units to see if any of their agents are transferring over. Nobody knows diddley-squat." Garcia stated.

      "Well, I feel like Emily's been poring over these resumes forever. I mean, the brass has to approve a new agent soon, right?" JJ told. "All I know is, whoever he or she is, they'd better be nice. That is the most important thing to me." Garcia tells truthfully. "To all of us." Spencer added.

      "Amen," Garcia nods. "So whoever this well-qualified mystery person is, I say once they join, we change our name from The Magnificent 9 to The Awesome 9. Huh? It's perfect."

       Spencer, JJ, Casey and Luke all exchange a look as Garcia tells the team what she's named them. They all begin to chip in in wonderment. "Maybe." "Well..." "Eh..." "I don't know."

     "I'm declaring a dictatorship. You guys don't get a vote. Especially you, newbie." Garcia points to Luke as Casey chuckles. Casey wondered when she eventually gonna drop the charade of her hating Luke with a passion but she figured it was never gonna end any time soon.  

      Emily opened the door to her office and looked down at the team with Rossi trailing behind her. "Sorry, guys, no news, but we have a case." They both head into the conference room as Garcia gets a notification on her cell.
"Oh, yeah, we do. This isn't good."

      They all enter the conference room as Tara arrives right at the same time as them. "Any news on the new agent?" She asks in between JJ and Casey. "Radio silence." JJ stated.

      "Let's get started." Emily pushes as Garcia hands each of the team members a file. "Okay, last night in Yakima, Washington, police received multiple 911 phone calls from the same neighborhood. They all reported a woman pounding on the door, screaming for help. She was hysterical. They received 5 calls in less than 5 minutes."

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