𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. bloody valentine

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       IT WAS THE WEEK OF VALENTINE'S DAY. Frankly, it was one of Casey's least favorite holidays. It was one of those holidays she never knew why people celebrated and she mostly never enjoyed it because she was never in a real relationship when the holiday came and went. Now, she was in the most serious relationship of her life so she was excited to see what was going to be coming of this year.

        Her heart definitely skipped a few beats once she saw three bouquets of flowers on her desk. She furrowed her brows and walked towards the desk and from a distance, Spencer had noticed and slowly walked over to her desk, awaiting for her reaction to realize it was him that set the flowers up at her desk.

          The girl turned over to her guilty-looking fiancé and smiled, pointing towards the flowers. "Did you do this?" She asks. "Maybe." Spencer shrugs.

           As Casey looks at one of the bouquets, she notices a card inside one of the bouquets and this has now piqued the attention of both Blake, over at her desk.

          Casey picks up the card and unfolds it to read it aloud. "'There are more than 600,000 words in the Oxford English Dictionary and none of those words could ever describe how much I love you. Believe me, I've read it. Happy early Valentine's Day. Love, Spencer." Casey smiles at her fiancé. "Awww. Thank you, babe."

          Casey wrapped her arms around Spencer's neck as she gives him a quick kiss. Morgan and Garcia have now walked in the room and notice this. "Can you believe it?" Casey speaks as Spencer decides to sit in her chair and Casey sits on his lap. "First Valentine's Day together."

         "This isn't your first Valentine's Day together." Garcia speaks. "Well, it's our first one being engaged and having a kid." Spencer clarifies. "Plus, our first one was a drag. We had to work." Casey added.

          "We have to work on this one, too." Morgan speaks, not understanding why the two are calling this their first Valentine's Day when it very clearly isn't. "Yeah, but the day we left for the case was on Valentine's Day." Casey says.

         "You guys had a hotel room, though, right?" Blake asks.
"Yeah." Casey says, looking towards Spencer and realizing that Valentine's Day was the night the two conceived Christopher. So... special meaning.

         The two had Valentine's Day planned out. Christopher was going to be with Edith for the night while the two spent time together back at the apartment. It was well-deserved for the two to have a night-in.

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