𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. chocolate doughnuts & comebacks

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CASEY HAD BEEN BACK AT THE OFFICE SOON AFTER BEING SICK. She arrived at the news that Hotch was called away on assignment so he wouldn't be around for a few weeks. Hotch had sent a personal text to everyone that he would be gone, which very honestly made Casey confused because usually when he was on special assignment, he never individually text everyone.

So, the team was on paperwork duty as of right now. Casey was currently doing some work at her desk, right across from Spencer's desk. He was working on some paperwork of his own and JJ was over at her desk, doing the same.

"Some things never change." A familiar voice chirped up, causing Casey to immediately look up in confusion and then she smiled, recognizing the voice to be Miss Emily Prentiss.

JJ is the first to stand and give her a hug. "Hey, you!"
Emily greets the woman, "Hi." JJ gives his a big kiss on the cheek and Casey comes up for a hug next. "Hey!" Casey wraps her arms around Emily and Emily can only hug back with one arm with the pink box she's carrying.

"Aah! Welcome back!" Spencer comes over, finally, giving Emily a big hug next and then notices the box. "Doughnuts? Wait, did you happen to get...?" Emily finishes off for him, "Chocolate frosted with sprinkles? Yes. How could I forget your favorite?"

"And just plain chocolate?" Casey asks. "Just plain chocolate for you, too, Casey." The girl smiles and claps as Spencer opens the box and already digs in to the sprinkle-covered doughnut as Casey digs into her plain chocolate.

"It is so great to see you," JJ speaks. "Even if it's only temporary." Casey nudged her head towards Emily. "Yeah, what's with the visit?" She asks curiously.

"Well, when Hotch told me the director tapped him for special assignment, I wanted to help out. More so when he said you guys still have escaped serial killers you have to catch, on top of your normal caseload?" The agents and doctor nod at Emily.

"Lewis is going to be sorry she missed you." Spencer tells. "And Vivian." Casey adds. Vivian had currently been visiting family away from home while Tara was doing research.

"Oh, yeah, me, too." Emily groaned, placing her bag on top of what was now Luke's desk. "That's actually Luke Alvez's desk." Spencer informs as Emily puts her bag down. "Really? It looks empty." Emily points out.

"Uh, well, he travels light." JJ tells. "Plus, he just joined the team. He has to get acquainted with his desk first. I know I had to." Casey added.

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