𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊. happily ever after

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      THE TEAM WAS CALLED IN FOR ANOTHER CASE. Surprise, surprise. Everyone walked in, ready for action. "Good evening," Garcia started. "Okay, University of Montana student, Douglas Clark was found this afternoon next to his car, stabbed at least a dozen times, and the killer left us a calling card."

    Casey looked down at the file in front of her. "Oh, wow." The woman comments as she notices one of the crime scene photos has a dead man laying on his back with a cell phone stuck in his mouth. "Oh, that's a distinctive signature." Morgan added once he had seen the photo.

    "Have there been similar murder reported in the area?" Vivian asks. "Thankfully, no." Garcia answers. "So then why are we being called in?" Kate asks curiously.

    "Last month a local shopkeeper was killed in a hit-and-run. The driver was a student who's very rich and well connected. Daddy got him off with a slap on the wrist." Garcia explained. "Which I imagine didn't sit well with the locals." Rossi comments. "Oh, you could say that. A random fraternity was bombed in retaliation." Garcia tells.

    "And there's concern that the murder might escalate the friction between the student community and the permanent residents." Hotch added on. "Town versus gown. It happens." JJ tells.

    "All the way back to The Battle of Saint Scholastica Day." Spencer tells. Everyone goes silent as Spencer nods at his own words and Casey smirks at her fiancé and Kate gives in to the silence. "Okay, I'll take the bait. What is the--whatever it is that you just said?"

    "The Battle of Saint Scholastica Day? I'm glad you asked." Both Kate and Casey chuckle at the man. "Oxford University, 1335, citizens attacked students and professors with bows and arrows. Fighting went on for two days and nearly 100 people were killed." Spencer explained. "What a way to die." Casey commented.

    "You know, it's probably just my easygoing nature, but if I stabbed someone a dozen times, it'd pretty much be out of my system. Why smash a car window?" Rossi questioned.

     "Well, a car killed the shopkeeper. Maybe it's a message." JJ assumes. "Or just plain anger, and a lot of it." Kate added. "Or maybe it was smashed beforehand, easy access to grab." Vivian also concludes.

     "Whatever the reason, we have to assume there's more where that came from. Wheels up in 30." Hotch orders the team.

      They head on out to the jet, Casey taking a spot next to Vivian on the jet. Morgan and Spencer sitting in front of them.

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