𝒙𝒗𝒊. nanny effect

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       THE LAST FEW WEEKS WERE STARTING TO TURN UP FOR CASEY WILLOWS. Her physical therapy appointments were doing well, Casey was looking at using the crutches for only a couple more weeks, Spencer and Casey were closer than ever, talking about their days during dinner, spending every waking moment together and the sleep arrangements... well, those were self explanatory. I mean, have you seen them?

         The two were at the roundtable with the rest of the team, ready to discuss their new, well sorta new, case. "We're gonna make a pre-emptive trip to Los Angeles. This unsub kills on the same date every year. Go ahead, Garcia." Hotch nods over to the woman.

        "Okay, I present to you, crime-fighters, an oldie but not such a goodie. I give you Rachel Hughes, Melissa Martinez, Tara Rios, Diana Brooks, and Gloria Clemente. You guys know the deets. This is news to you, Blake. Over the last five years, each of these women have disappeared from a park off the California coast, from as far south as San Diego and far north as San Francisco." Garcia explained. "Each of them were nannies who were kidnapped while watching kids." JJ adds.

        Casey remembered the yearly case they had always taken. The second year of the nannies being killed had been Casey's first year with the team. It was a case that the team continuously struggled with.

         "Thankfully, each of the little ones was returned to a church or hospital totally unharmed within 24 hours." Garcia sat down. "But the nannies were found dead, posed on park benches and Los Angeles playgrounds. One a year, always on the same date." Morgan stated.

         "May 13," Reid started. "The actual abduction date varies from case to case, but the unsub goes to great lengths to make sure the bodies are found that exact day."

           "All except victim number 3, Tara Rios." Rossi told. "Our only survivor." Casey told. "Garbage truck driver found her passed out in an alley in Hollywood. She had no idea who took her or where he held her." Morgan told.

          "Morgan and I questioned her, I even tried to do cognitive, but she was way too traumatized to remember much of anything at all." JJ explained. "Clearly she dissociated from the event." Blake nodded. "We've contacted her several times over the past few years trying to get more info, but she just refuses to talk to us." JJ told.

         "Her reluctance isn't surprising," Hotch stated. "Each of the victims was sexually assaulted and tortured with burning implements for several days." Casey looks down. "Of course she doesn't want to relive that." She mumbles but it's loud enough for the team to hear.

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