𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊. guilty pleasures

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⚠️ smut warning below!


       "YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! KATE HAS THE BEST NEWS!" Garcia perked up as she walked into the conference room with Kate and Morgan trailing behind her. Casey furrowed her brows at the three walking in.

"Say it before we have to do the other stuff." Garcia tells Kate. The woman looks around. "Good morning, I'm pregnant." Kate announces with a smile on her face. Casey and Spencer drop their jaws in awe along with JJ, Vivian and Rossi. Hotch even has a big smile planted on his face.

         "Kate! Congratulations!" Vivian is the first person to give Kate a big hug since she's the closest. "What?" Spencer asks happily. Both he and Casey make their way around to congratulate Kate with hugs.

         "Buona fortuna." Rossi tells as he kisses Kate's cheeks. "Congratulations again." Hotch tells. "Thank you." Kate smiles. "Congratulations." Spencer smiles, placing a hand on Kate's stomach.

        "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" Casey tells, giving Kate a giant hug. "But, hey, I'm your best friend. Hotch, Morgan and Garcia knew before me?" She joked. "Yes! Oh, my goodness." JJ gives Kate a big hug next.

        JJ immediately began to give her advice. "Okay, so when I was pregnant, I wore headphones on my belly 'cause I didn't want Henry hearing all this creepy stuff." JJ told. "Oh, yeah. I did that, too." Casey nods. "Oh, that's a good idea. What did you listen to?" Kate asks.

       "Uh, Beatles, Bee Gees. Spence insisted that he listen to Mozart." JJ told. "Spence had me listening to Mozart on repeat an hour a day, but I snuck a few of the classics in there. Anything that would be good for the ears. And the reasoning of an old soul." Casey joked.

        The women sit down together. "But I am so freaking happy for you. Now, you can have a girl and she'll have play dates with Christopher and they'll be friends forever and eventually, they'll fall in love and be so close and go to prom together and get married and we're gonna be the best freaking mothers ever." Casey trailed on and on as Kate laughed at Casey. "Well, we're not even sure if it's a girl yet. Don't get ahead of yourself." Kate told.

       "You know how to figure out if you're having a girl or a boy? If you eat more salty foods, you're having a boy and sugary foods, you're having a girl." Casey told. "And if you're having a boy, you carry a little lower. With girls, it's your entire stomach." JJ added as Vivian nodded along. "Take it from someone whose had both, it's not fun either way. Although, I had less morning sickness with my daughter." Vivian told. "I had morning sickness all the time." Casey stated. "Me too." JJ said as Vivian nodded to the women.

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