𝒍𝒙𝒗. double-dates

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       CASEY WILLOWS NEARLY WALKED INTO A DOOR THIS MORNING. After realizing she was constantly texting Lennox almost every single day, she made a habit of texting her while walking around in the office. She was walking into the bullpen today and nearly smacked the front of the glass doors with her heads — had it not been for Spencer telling her to pay attention before she rammed into the door.

Luckily, she hadn't. She'd made a mental note to stop texting while walking. And she realized she did it so much, she didn't even realize that Vivian had made it back from her sabbatical.

       So here she was, texting Lennox and talking to her about her new school. She had decided to resign in Virginia with her foster parents — even if they were 'pains in the ass' according to Lennox.

"Hey, earth to Bride of Einstein!" Casey's head perked over to Morgan. "We still on for double-date night with Spencer and Savannah tomorrow night?" He questioned. Casey put her phone down and she nods, "Yes, yes. We have it all planned. Kate's gonna look after Chris and we'll meet you at the restaurant."

"How is Kate doing, by the way?" Vivian asks as she walks into the room with Rossi. "She's doing great, having fun being a mom to a baby again. Here's a picture of little Dakota as we speak." Casey holds her cell up as she shows Vivian, Rossi and Morgan the photo of Kate's daughter.

       "Oh, she's adorable!" Vivian smiled as Morgan looked at the photo. "Dakota Callahan, huh?" Rossi nods, "Good name." Casey smiles, "It should be, Dakota's my middle name. I'm practically this baby's godmother."

       "Speaking of godchildren," Morgan spoke. "How is my little man, Chris, doing?" He asks. "He's doing good, Spencer and I have been trying to look for daycare centers for him while we're gone on cases... but we haven't gotten anywhere."

        Vivian sips her coffee from her mug and speaks, "I can't believe that little stinker's about to turn two." Casey sighs as she widens her eyes. "I can't either. He needs to stop growing." Casey practically whines, not wanting to see her son's transformation from infant to toddler to teenager any time soon. "Better hold on to him as tight as you can." Rossi comments. "They grow up faster than you think." Casey shakes her head at him and chuckles as Spencer and the new recruit, Tara Lewis walk in.

        Dr. Tara Lewis had auditioned to join the team when they were looking into the Montolo case a few weeks back. Casey had met the woman the very next day when she went to work and thought she was already awesome.

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