𝒙𝒙. the replicator

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       THE REPLICATOR WAS BACK. That's all the team knew. He had hacked into Garcia's computer with spammed messages written: 'Zugzwang'. Casey was currently in a vehicle with Spencer, Rossi and Hotch and they were going to go and pick up Blake and Strauss.

Reid and Casey had currently been trying to get ahold of the two. After for what seemed to be the millionth time, Casey was left on voicemail from Strauss. The girl groaned and announced: "Strauss isn't answering. All I'm getting is voicemail."

      "Keep trying," Hotch encouraged. "Reid, any luck with Blake?" Spencer shook his head. "Not yet." He told.

       "The pictures of you were taken outside of Beth's apartment. I get it if you want to stay with them until we find him." Rossi told Hotch. When Garcia got hacked, a lot of pictures were shown on her computer, most of them were of the team on this most recent case.

        "I've got agents surrounding Beth's building. She and Jack are safer without me, since we're the targets." Hotch explained and Reid had finally gotten ahold of Blake. "Blake, we'll pick you up in a few minutes. The Replicator's back."

       "Willows, don't worry about Strauss, we'll swing by her hotel room." Rossi told and Casey had put her phone down. They picked Blake up and then made their way to to the hotel. Hotch parked as Rossi had made his way to the hotel and five minutes later, Hotch received a call that something was wrong.

        Soon, Blake, Reid and Casey had made their way to the hotel room, meeting with JJ and Morgan. Hotch had exited the open room that Rossi was in, Strauss' room and announced to the team: "Strauss is missing. Blake, you and Reid talk to hotel security. We need access points and footage from every camera." Casey and Spencer exchanged a look and Casey squeezed his hand before he made his way down to the lobby with Blake.

        "Morgan, back up Dave on the roof. JJ, take the west staircase, Casey and I will take the east." Casey followed beside Hotch as they made their way to the staircase and as soon as they did, Hotch received a call from Strauss.

        "Erin." Casey sighed in relief for a moment but not before Hotch had given the girl a look. A look that said that this was not Strauss he was talking to. "Where is she?" The two began to make their way down the staircase faster.

        The two had exited the building and Casey looked around, in hopes that maybe she would find her. They began to run down the sidewalk and looked around for her. Until Casey finally saw her, drunk and stumbling on her own two feet. "There!" She pointed.

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