𝒗. wheels on the bus

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DEREK MORGAN'S MORNINGS ALWAYS STARTED OFF PRETTY NORMAL. As normal as the average guy's was. But it wasn't normal for Hotch to text him to come to his office first thing.

Morgan found it odd but didn't question it. He knew he wasn't getting fired but something was up. Once he walked in the office, he was met with both Rossi and Hotch. Morgan walked in and looked at the two men. "What's this about?" He asked curiously.

Hotch and Rossi exchange a look and Hotch sets a mugshot and a file down in front of him and Hotch crossed his arms. "Cooper Rogers has been released on parole." He revealed and Morgan furrowed his brows as he picked the file and mugshot up.

"Cooper Rogers?" Morgan looked at his boss. "The one who was framed as Casey's stalker — Cooper Rogers?" He clarified and Hotch nodded, "Yes."

Morgan looked at Cooper's mugshot and furrowed his brows. "I didn't even know he was on parole." He told.
"After what happened with Adam Brody, he shut down. Went crazy." Rossi stated. "He kept asking for Casey."

Morgan sighed and asked the million-dollar question. "Does Casey know about this?" He asked. Hotch shook his head. "Not yet, we just found out the news." Morgan looks at his boss. "How do you think we should tell her?" He asks. "I don't want it affecting her job like it did last time." Hotch admitted. "So, you don't want to tell her?" Morgan asked. "I do, I just want to find the right time to tell her."

Garcia had knocked on the door, causing to everyone to look her way. "Not to bother anyone, but we have a case and we need all hands on deck." With that, the three older men had walked down the steps and reunited with their team and didn't bother Casey, who had a polite smile on her face.

       "What we have is a school bus abduction which occurred at approximately 1pm this afternoon." Morgan told a couple of police officers once he had found out what the case pertained to. "What we do know is there were 24 students on board, along with the driver and a monitor." Rossi stated. "GPS appears to have been disabled. Last known ping was a little over two hours ago." Rossi added on, "Highway patrol has traced the route it was last traveling but found no signs of any accidents."

       JJ, Reid and Casey were speaking with a couple of other agents about this case as well. "We have helicopters and ground units in the DC area working local search and rescue. Which means we're likely dealing with more than one unsub." JJ explained. "We've attempted to contact everyone on board, but so far all calls have gone unanswered. But we can confirm that the students dropped off at the first two stops have been accounted for." Reid adds. "The average school bus holds approximately 80 gallons of diesel fuel, making it possible for them to travel up to 550 miles on a single tank." Casey adds on, "Which is why we believe they're still within a 200-mile radius."

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