𝒙𝒄𝒗. mama's boy

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SPENCER AND CASEY HAD FINALLY COME BACK TO WORK. They had settled Diana into their home and left her with her caretaker for their first day back. Casey had currently been unpacking her desk as was Spencer when JJ had called to them. "Hey! Welcome back!" She said and both Casey and Spencer stand up from their desks to greet her with a hug.

Spencer is the first to greet JJ with a big bone-crushing hug and smiles, "I missed you so much." He tells. Casey is next and gives JJ an even bigger hug as she kisses her on the cheek. "I missed you more than he did." Casey joked.

          "You guys are all... good?" JJ asked the two. They looked a little more refreshed since the last time she'd seen them. And a little more happier, might she have added in her head. "Yeah, yeah, we're good." Casey nods as Spencer involuntarily wraps an arm around his wife's waist.

           The couple then direct their attention to the agent next to JJ. The new agent Emily had hired, SSA Stephen Walker. "You must be Walker." Spencer greets first. "Great to finally meet you two." Stephen greets to the two. "It's really great to finally meet you." Spencer added.

          Casey holds a hand out to Stephen to shake it. "You've already heard our names but Casey Willows, my husband, Dr. Spencer Reid. We've heard nothing but wonderful things." Casey introduced.

          "Uh, okay, speaking of wonderful things, let's have it. How's your mom doing?" JJ decides to ask and Casey looks at Spencer to answer but he looked over for her to answer. Since they had talked everything out, Spencer wanted to try to include Casey in this as much as possible but Casey knew this was his question to answer so he did. "She's okay. You know, we have good days and bad days."

          "So, are you still going to be going to Houston on the weekends to visit her?" JJ asked since she didn't know what their plan was there but Spencer spoke, "You know, actually, I..."

          Spencer's cell phone begins to ring and he goes to get it. While this happens, JJ looks at Casey and put a soothing hand on her arm. "How are you doing?" JJ asks her and Casey nods, "Better. Thank you."

        "Dr. Reid here." Spencer starts and then his tone changes. "What? All right, stay there. I'll be right... I'm on my way, okay? Thanks."

         Casey is confused. "What's going on?" JJ and Walker are confused, too. "Everything all right?" JJ asks.

        "A water pipe broke at the apartment." Spencer tells Casey and she groans, "What? Are you serious? Jesus!" Casey rushes to her desk to go get her things and follows behind Spencer as they make their way towards the exit.

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