𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒊. according to plan

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       CASEY WILLOWS WOULD HONESTLY DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING FOR PENELOPE GARCIA. The woman had been her light through her darkness. There's about a million things she'd do for her. And she'd go through lengths to protect her. Even if that meant that her husband had to go on a fake date with the woman responsible for Garcia going into hiding.

       Casey hated this plan from the very start, but she was willing to bite her tongue to protect Garcia. So, here she was, in a fancy restaurant this hitwoman chose, posing as a waitress, walking around and serving people their food. Vivian had been posing as one, too. JJ was staged on the side of the bar and Rossi was staged at a booth, both as customers.

         Once Spencer walked in, the plan was set and Casey from the corner of her eye, saw him walk in. She'd been over at the bar and was listening to the conversation with an earpiece in. The agents in the room all had been.

         It wasn't until a moment later that she walked in. Casey didn't stare for too long, since she didn't want to make it look too suspicious. She noticed the woman's hair was short and she wore a fancy dress with a large coat over her body. "Spencer?" Casey heard through the earpiece. "Cat?" Spencer asked. "Hi!" "Hi."

        Spencer stood up to greet her and Cat had gone in for a hug that Spencer immediately pulled away from. "Nice to finally--" Spencer backed up and her movements from him faltered. "Oh--sorry, I have a-- a germ thing." He said. "I'm kind of weird with hu-hugs."

         The awkwardness filled the air as she apologized and she removed her coat and sat down. The awkwardness grew even more thick when Cat tried to throw out a few jokes that Spencer didn't quite get. Casey tried her best to not visibly cringe at the conversation she was hearing.

         Cat eventually moved on, changing the subject. "Tell me a little bit about yourself. Do you really have three PhDs?" Spencer nods, "Yes. Um, I--yeah, I do, I have three PhDs."

       "What was your favorite book that you read last year?" Cat asked, throwing a random question out there. Spencer took a second to think. "Um, honestly, I've never read a book I didn't love." He answered honestly.

      "Tell me about your wife."

       Casey stiffened for a moment as she cleaned plates up at the bar and reminded herself that this was a whole fake scenario. That it wasn't real, that Cat didn't know who she was. She told Spencer she'd be fine with this and that she could handle it. And Casey had to remember that she said that to him. She was lucky her body was turned away but even from afar, Spencer glanced, only for a moment, and could tell she got uncomfortable.

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