𝒙𝒊. copycat

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       CASEY HAD TAKEN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS OFF BEFORE SHE COULD BE CLEARED FOR WORK. She had been back for a couple of days now. Things were normal, well, as normal as they were.

Sometimes, it felt like Spencer was walking on eggshells around Casey. He didn't want to get on her bad side now and didn't want to do anything to irritate her but by doing this, it only made Casey even more irritated. She loved Spencer, but she didn't want to be coddled like a child and she wasn't a child. She figured that maybe the coddling would end soon so she didn't worry too much. Especially since they were moved in together by now.

        Currently, she was over at her desk, on the wheelchair she was required to use for when she came back. She, JJ and Spencer had noticed the convo between Blake and Strauss and knew about the history between the two. It wasn't pretty from where they were standing. Respectful but still very odd, the way they were standing.

        "Uh-oh. I think Blake could take her. What do you think?" JJ says as she watched them. "Mm, their body language hardly seems adversarial. Blake's making direct eye contact, and the tilt of her head suggests she's willingly engaged in conversation." Spencer points out.

          Casey wheeled her way over to the two. "Didn't Strauss throw her under the bus back in the day?" She asked. "It was on the Amerithrax case about ten years ago. Evidently, they apprehended the wrong suspect and she let Blake take the fall." Spencer explained.

         "Well, I heard they even demoted her a couple grades." JJ added. "Man, if Strauss ever did that to me... hell to pay." Casey told.

          The three had noticed Garcia come in with a bouquet of flowers. "What happened to you? You run by True Florist?" Casey asked. "Guess what just came to the reception desk for an Agent Jennifer Jareau." Garcia spoke.

         "From who?" JJ asked. "They must be from Will. Or someone's got some 'splainin' to do." Garcia said and Casey pointed a finger at JJ in accusation, jokingly.

         "Open it. Open it. Open it." Garcia pried and JJ grabbed the card on the bouquet. "Just... Will's not really a flower bouquet type guy." JJ stated. "Wonder what the occasion is." Casey shrugged.

          "'Zugzwang'." JJ read aloud.

         This peaked both Casey and Spencer's interest. It reminded them of the message that they figured Diane had sent to Spencer before Casey was taken.

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