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A few days have passed, and more and more things have been happening.

It was truly starting to freak the seven men out.

After all, now only have things been falling from nowhere but they experienced those paranormal activities on themselves.

Feeling hands pushing them, holding out a leg to make them trip, finding their papers on a different place than where they put it the night before. And just very strange things happening day after day.

And today was no different.

Rindou's one night stand was sleeping over and everyone except for her was in the 'kitchen-living-room'. Until they heard a blood-curdling scream from the woman who came running out of the room and hid behind Rindou, only wearing one of his shirts.

"What is it now Kayla?", Rindou asked annoyed that his peaceful morning was destroyed by her scream.

"T-There's a girl in the room!"

"No there isn't. It's probably just your imagination", Ran said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yes there is! I just saw that damn thing floating in front of me!"

"Turn it down", Mikey said, rubbing his already hammering head, he hadn't gotten a single full hour of sleep that night.

He kept on seeing this thing whenever he closed his eyes.

"Now, what exactly did you see?", Kakucho asked as he was grabbing something out of the fridge.

"Well, I was just laying in bed when I turned around and saw this girl standing there, her head tilted to the side, glaring at me, she had this teddy-bear with her and just kept staring at me. When I threw something at her she just got pissed and started floating towards me and tried to suffocate me with a pillow!"

"Yeah, right", Sanzu mocked her with a crazed smile.

"Haruchiyo, it's 9:30 in the morning and you're already high?", Takeomi asked in disbelief at his younger brother's actions.

"At least I'm not smoking this early!"

"You're literally taking expired pain medication."

Their little sibling fight got interrupted as a pillow and vase flew out of the room Kayla had been in.

"Do you believe me now?", Kayla asked as she clung onto Rindou, hiding behind him as she was terrified of the thing that was in the room.

"What the hell was that?", Mocchi asked shocked.

"That was the girl! I'm telling you", Kayla said.

Rindou sighed having had enough as he told the woman, "Go get dressed, I'm driving you home."

"I'm not going back into that cursed room."

"Fine", Rindou grumbled as he himself went to the bedroom to get Kayla's clothes.

He was met with a room that was really messed up.

The bed was flipped upside down, the sheets thorn apart as well as the pillows and mattress, the filling spread all over the room, the nightstand was pushed over as well, Kayla's clothes were in the fireplace which had mysteriously been lit, having burnt the woman's clothes.

Rindou walked inside the room only to have a letter-opener thrown at him, piercing the wall next to his head as he had turned his head to the side just before the object could pierce the executive's forehead.

His eyes widened as he slowly but surely stepped back until he was out of the room, by the railing of the stairs that led downstairs to the 'main-living-area'.

"Uh- Rin?", Ran asked confused at his brother's behaviour.

"Kayla, are you okay with staying in my shirt?"


"Because it seems that, the little girl you saw disliked your choice of clothes and decided to burn them."


Everyone was shocked at this.

"What are you talking about Rindou?", Mikey asked.

"Go look at the room yourself but be careful about flying sharp objects trying to turn you into a dartboard", with that the young man with a mullet hairstyle walked into his own room to change out of his pyjama.


"You're telling me we don't know who that did?", Koko asked cursing at the money he would have to spend on the repairment of the room, the holes in the wall had to be covered up, the windows replaced, a new bed and sheets bought as well as pillows.

And if there was one thing that made Kokonoi Hajime mad then that was having to spend his precious money on things that weren't important nor that he wanted to spend on.

"Apparently", Rindou said as he scratched the back of his head.

"But why just this room?", Ran asked.

"I don't know", the younger brother mumbled.

"I don't care what you do or how you do it, but I want to know what's causing all this trouble and want you to take care of it."

"What kind of 'taking care of it'?", Mocchi asked Mikey who looked at the executives dead in the eyes.

"I mean, I want you all to remove whatever makes this trouble."

With that the short man left the room.

"Any clues how to kill something we can't see?", Kokonoi asked as he was still writing the expenses down.

"No", Rindou stated.

"I have an idea!", Sanzu said hyperactive as if a lightbulb had just turned on above his head.

"Then let's hear it sherlock", Ran teased the second in command, doubting that he had a good idea.

"Let's get laser-pointers installed around the house that trigger powder-bombs to fall down as soon as someone walks through the laser! Like that we'll have something to shoot at and won't just shoot at nothingness!"

"Great idea! But why not replace the powder with paint!", Koko mocked as he groaned, "For fucks sake Sanzu! Think with your brain!"

"He does have a point though", Mocchi muttered as he stroke his beard.

"Really Mocchi? One; it'll cost a fortune to get such lasers installed and do you really want some-company to know our location? Second; what if one of us triggers the lasers? And who'll clean up the mess that the powder makes? Third; who says that the thing can even trigger the lasers?"

"Then what else can we do?", Ran asked.

"I know a few guys who I went to high-school with. They're paranormal-investigators now, they also post videos on the internet where they try and catch demons, ghosts, just other worldly entities", Takeomi said as he took a puff of his cigarette, "Maybe they can help?"

"We're supposed to pay for a bunch of charlatans?, Sanzu asked dumbfounded.

"Better than destroying the house with lasers and paint."

"It's worth a try", Koko said, "Do we have to pay them?"

"I don't know. They mostly do it for fun I believe."

"Invite them, but make sure they don't leak anything to the public", Kakucho ordered to which the advisor nodded, getting to his office to give his old friends a call.


Hey, Author here!

I hope you liked this chapter, I tried my best to make this one longer (~1134 words)!

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See you in th next part
your author <3

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