The Human Ghosty: Chapter Fourteen..

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The Human Ghosty: Chapter Fourteen..

Somewhen during the meeting Sanzu glanced at his phone, his eyes widening in shock as he leant towards Y/N as he whispered something into her ears.

Her own eyes dilated at these news and she held one hand up to silence everyone in the room.

"Excuse us, but it seems that we must cut this meeting short-"

"How dare you? Being disrespectful and then cutting the meeting off?"

Y/N merely glared at the man, "Shoot them."

With those orders the young woman left the club with her advisors and top-members.


"Why would he do something like this?", Y/N asked, sitting at the head of the table, on Mikey's chair, all the other executives sat on their usual places.

Sanzu to her right, Takeomi to her left.

Next to Sanzu sat Kakucho, next to whom the Haitani brothers sat.

Next to Takeomi sat Mocchi and Kokonoi.

"I don't know. He'd never betray Bonten. We are family", Sanzu argued.

Y/N was slightly quivering as she looked at Takeomi, "Does anybody except for us know?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Good. If the public found out... we'd be doomed..."

"We already are", Kokonoi muttered, pulling up a video on his computer that showed the entire dispute.

"Shit", Y/N cursed under her breath, she got up and walked back and forth.

"H-He was doing so good! He really was! Why-Why would he do something like this?", Y/N asked bewildered.

"Calm down Y/N-"

"Calm down?! Calm down?!", Y/N exploded at Kakucho's words, her hair started floating around herself just as her eyes seemed to glow.

Seems like she did not lose all of the ghost girl she once was.

"Ever since Mikey overdosed I've been told nothing but to calm down! I'm done being calm! I have left school for Bonten! I have gotten involved in crimes I had promised myself to never ever get involved in! And now Mikey's leaving me! Mikey's dying and the only thing the fucking media and whole entire underground seems to care about is the question of heritage! I mean who the hell am I kidding?! Mikey's barely hanging onto life and all these old Yakuza men wanna try and get rid of me to strengthen themselves! In one way or another! The things I have been told in the while where Mikey was out are atrocious!"

The executives just sat there and listened how Y/N expressed her worries.

"Men old enough to be Takeomi's father have out themselves forth to try and marry me to get Bonten's power! That is just a joke! And now Mikey's trying to leave? Over my dead re-animated body! I will be going down to hell and bitch-slapping him back to us if I have to!"

But before Y/N could do anything else she was embraced.

Ran had pulled the girl into his arms, "It's okay Y/N. We'll solve it. You don't need to be strong right now."

And those words broke her walls, and not even half a second later the tears were already pouring, her own arms wrapped around Ran's torso, as the older man went to his knees, as the girl's knees gave out.

Pulling her onto his lap and holding her close as she cried her eyes out.

Ran Haitani spend the next hours holding the girl in his arms as he once had done his younger brother, the other executives watched in silence how Y/N finally let everything out.

"I... I just can't take it anymore", she finally sobbed, "Fuck, how does Mikey do it? How do you all do it?"

"What do you mean?", Kokonoi asked.

"All of you lost so many people close to you and still turned out to be such great people and are still able to make such good decisions! I barely loose one person and am a complete Mess!"

"Huh?", Mocchi asked to which Y/N pointed out.

"Koko lost Akane, he's now one of the richest men I know. Takeomi lost his little sister and his friends, he is the wisest man I know. The Haitanis never had anybody except for themselves, they're the strongest duo I know. Kakucho lost everything and he is the most loyal man I know, Sanzu lost so much and he is the best second in command one could wish for. And you've been to jail so many times and lost great friends and are one of the nicest men I know..."

"Well, you don't know how we were during the time we lost somebody", Takeomi spoke, "After I lost Senju I was devastated. I fell into depression, I became an alcoholic. I turned to a life of crime until Mikey finally brought me back to my senses."

"Rin and I never had a childhood. Why do you think I'm so childish now?"

"I turned to training 'till I passed out after I lost Izana."

"I turned to drowning myself in money after having lost Akane."

"I'm a drug addict."

"And I've drowned my sorrows in brothels."

"Do you still think we're admirable?", Rindo asked.

"To me you are", she muttered.

"I miss Mikey", she whispered, "I miss my Dad..."

"Look kid", Takeomi started, "I've known Mikey ever since he was born. And let me tell you, it was only a matter of time until he'd end it, or try to end it. Mikey lost everyone dear to him. He lsot his mom, his dad never came back, he lost his oldest brother, he lost his younger sister, he lost his second brother, he lost his grandpa, he lost all of his friends in order to keep them safe. Do you really think he was happy?"

"But he still had me..."

"And you brought him so much joy. But there are only so many band aids for his scarred body."

"Then why didn't he say he needed more band aids?"

"Because Mikey is too proud to admit it", Kakucho spoke, "Ever since we were little the 'Invincible Mikey' was a feared name, a name you looked up to. You wore your Toman uniform with pride. You'd feel stronger with Mikey's presence. He did not have the time to be weak. Never."

"Yeah. Toman was always his number one. Always the most important. But he had to distance himself from them to keep them safe. To keep his loved ones alive", Sanzu continued, "And if there was one thing Mikey loved and still loves, then it's you."

With that Sanzu handed the girl an envelope.

Still sealed shut, "Mikey had been planning this I fear, he left this for me to give to you once he was no more."

Y/N took the envelope with shaking hands and opened it with her nails, Mikey's handwriting, his signature, and a content that would change Japan's underground forever.



Hello and welcome back to this considerably long chapter!

If you enjoyed it please leave a vote and a comment telling me your ideas, thoughts, questions and general feedback to this book!

And yes, I am leaving you all with a cliff-hanger, tell me your theories below!

Have a lovely day / night and see you in the next chapter,
your author <3

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