Halloween special (17)👻🎃

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Heyo my lovely readers!

This chapter will not be canon to the plot of the story, also we're like 3 chapters away from the end of book 1! Now this Special will be somewhat connected to the plot of the story such as certain statements and such but it will mostly not be mentioned in the story again.

It seems like you all decided on which special you'd like, if you want a 'second-part' to this feel free to tell me, I'll be happy to write another one!

But most of you decided that it'd bu fun to see Bonten's reaction to our little Ghosty's human appearance, so here we go!


"What the actual fuck?", Rindou muttered as he had spit out his morning coffee at the sight he just laid eyes upon.

"What is i-----", Ran stopped speaking the coffee he was pouring himself pouring onto the floor as his violet eyes widened in shock.

"What's going on with you two?", Mocchi asked as he turned around to the two siblings, crashing the delicate glass of water he was holding in his bare hands, ignoring the glass cutting into his hand, mixing with the water as it slowly dripped down. His mouth agape as well and face contorted into pure shock.

"The fuck's going on down here?", Mikey asked, rubbing his eyes while walking down.

He stopped, his eyes widening and eyebrows rising even higher as he called out for Sanzu, not turning his head away from the sight in front of him, "Sanzu. Get down here. I need to make sure I'm seeing things correct."

"What is it Boss? The fuck's that?!", the pink man with a mulled like hairstyle asked in utter shock, he was running down the stairs and immediately by Mikey, ready to protect like the loyal mad-dog he is.

"Kakucho! Old-Man! Get your asses down here! And bring Mr. Lizard!", Sanzu said and the three walked down.

"What is your problem Haru?", Takeomi asked as he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he walked down, Kakucho and Kokonoi following him.

"What are your problems?", the feminine sleepy voice asked from the bar-stool she was sitting on.

It was none other than their ghostly friend, well you can scratch the ghostly. Because lo and behold Y/N wasn't sitting there like a ghost, she wasn't in blue, white and black colors, oh no. She was sitting there in flesh, in color, in person.

Holding her red stuffed teddy-bear by herself which also returned to its color.

"Why the fuck are you in color?", Sanzu asked bluntly.


With that Y/N got up as she turned to look at herself in the reflexion of the window, a shriek leaving her mouth.

"Awesome!", she cheered jumping up and down, happy at the noise and movement the impact of her feet and weight made with the floor.

She was jumping around happily, her hair bobbing up and down in synch just like her dress.

"I'm back baby!", she yelled out and looked at the executives with a big bright grin on her face.

"I thought I'd never be like this again!", the albino said cheerfully as she ran up to Mikey and hugged the shocked man tightly.

"Jesus! It feels so good to finally have physical contact again!"

"What happened that you're human again?", Mocchi asked, Sanzu in the background physically paling and sobbing while clutching his heart.

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