The Human Ghosty: Chapter Two.:

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"Here you go Kakucho", with that the files were handed to him with a little warning, "But don't get your own and your wife's hopes too high up, until know every family that took her in, gave her back. The longest a family managed, was one month and that was a military family."


"And you think that's our Ghosty?", Mikey asked, crushing a cigarette-bud before taking another one and lighting it up before taking a long puff.

The grey smoke left Mikey's mouth as the young man had a rather tired and bored facial expression, the entire data belonging to the girl on the glass coffee-table.

"Yes, 100%", Kakucho said as he leant back, resting one arm over the backrest of the white leather-couch, the other hand held a nice wine-glass, not breaking eye-contact with Mikey as he took a sip before placing the glass back onto the table.

"How can you be so sure of it?", Mocchi asked, taking another puff of his cigar.

To this Sanzu let out a hysterical laugh which sounded more like a screech.

"She scared off a military-family! I'm pretty sure only that ghost can do something like that! That's out flower for sure!"

"The druggie is right", Rindo agreed as he handed his brother his own cigarette, allowing Ran to take a puff from it before handing it back to the younger brother.

The scene was quiet something to look at, the executives of Bonten sitting in their living room with the files of a fourteen-year-old girl in front of them, and instead of what you'd think< that they were debating whether or not to kill her, they were actually debating whether or not to adopt her.

All for the sake of a ghost girl that promised them to reincarnate.

The files gave them all the information they needed. Everything that was to be said about the girl.


"I mean she had a sudden change of her personality, from what I was told, and the girl's age matches Y/N's physical age, they share the same name", Kakucho spoke as he leant forwards, resting his forearms onto his knees or thighs.

His black dressing-shirt opening even more, exposing his well tones abs and upper muscles as well as his Bonten tattoo, the well-defined lines and shading made by a professional. Black relatively fitting dressing-pants slightly tightening around his knees and thighs from the position he was sitting in. His hands were folded together, his veins slightly popping out a few rings were on his fingers, silver and onyx rings. His earring dangling as usual as he eyed Mikey.

The leader was leaning back, one arm over the back-rest of the leather couch, his usual black two-piece and sandals as usual, showing his thin but still muscular limbs. His thin lips were pressed together, his other hand still holding a dorayaki. His hair bobbed with every turn of his head.

The Haitani brothers looked at each other, waiting for somebody to say something.

In their usual suits, Rindo sat on the couch, one hand held a cigarette to his mouth the other hand was laying lazily on his thigh, his legs open, manspreading one would say, as his lazy orchid eyes scanned every movement of his Boss.

Ran behind Rindo, leaning onto the couch, his hair slick back as usual, only a few strands falling out at the front from the 'little' fistfight he had gotten in, explaining the little blood splatters on his knuckles and cheek. His playful lilac eyes, observed Kakucho , trying to catch a hint of anything. His signature sleezy smirk present on his lips.

Sanzu was beside Mikey, also in his usual suit, katan out of its scabbard as he was polishing it better said cleaning the dirt and blood off of it, even sharpening it, he may look like he was lost in thoughts but he was listening to everything with careful eyes. He was actually sober for once time, he had a relatively stern expression on his face, his hands moving smoothly across the shining blade with the cloth until he replaced the cloth with a sharpening stone, letting the metallic sound resonate in the room every time it made contact with the delicate blade. His eyes fixated onto the stone in hand, only looking up from time to time to look at Mikey, paying close attention to know if he had to do anything.

Takeomi was next to Kokonoi, having his legs crossed as he was leaning back as well, cigar in his mouth as he was scrolling through his phone, keeping track of finances. His hair was slick back as usual, his jacket open and falling however it pleased.

Kokonoi was next to the oldest man present, one ankle placed onto his knee, counting money as usual, for which reason now was still a mystery to the rest. He also wore his signature clothes, the earring still dangling on his left ear. His signature grin with his tongue hanging slightly out.

Lastly was Mocchi, he sat across from Takeomi, cigar in hand as he simply listened to everything, from how he sat there it was unimaginable that he had a 'kiss the cook' apron and loved cooking as well as baking sweets.

"So it's decided then, tomorrow we'll go back to the orphanage and adopt her", Mikey spoke the final words as he got up, leaving to go to his room.



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your author <3 

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