The Human Ghosty: Chapter Seventeen.:

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The Human Ghosty: Chapter Seventeen.:

Bonten was no longer smiles and sunshine for Y/N, it wasn't for anyone anymore.

With Mikey barely hanging onto life, Y/N suddenly overwhelmed with all the duties that come with leading Bonten, having almost completely left her studies in a corner.

Bonten wasn't her happy place anymore.

Sanzu wasn't her dorky big brother anymore. He was her second in command and her loyal mad-dog.

Kakucho wasn't the kind man who'd braid her hair anymore, but he was her number three, someone who would take a bullet for her.

Takeomi was no longer the loving uncle she saw him as, he was her advisor.

Mocchi wasn't the man who'd listen to her stories while baking, he was responsible for her business.

Ran and Rindo weren't her partners in dorky crime anymore, they were there to handle her dirty-business.

Koko was not longer the man who'd take her out and spoil her, but he was her money-maker.

And she wasn't this adorable little ghost girl anymore, but she turned into a heartless tyrant.

"Do we have to hold the meeting here?", Y/N asked, looking around with disgust. The room they were in was as luxurious as expected from Kokonoi, but it was a brothel. One of the many ways Bonten made money. The sex industry.

"Men talk more with pretty ladies around", Takeomi muttered, taking a drag of his cigarette, his own eyes wandering over the girls in the room. A little welcoming gift for the men they were about to make business with.

Y/N looked away, inspecting her freshly made nails. She couldn't bear looking at the women, no girls standing next to where she was seated.

"But Did you have to get the youngest in here?"

"Better them than you", Kokonoi spoke, "We shielded you from the disgusting things most of these men thing and say about you."

"Just shoot 'em, that'll solve the problem, no?"

"I wish that easy", Takeomi spoke harshly, "But you'll have to be careful with what you say publicly. It can look bad on your image."

Y/N looked away as she drank her strawberry-milk in her strawberry glass cup. Despite leading one of the top criminal organizations she was still not officially allowed to drink alcohol. At least not under Takeomi's watch. Of course all of Bonten knew that Y/N didn't obey the rules and drank herself to sleep some nights, but never publicly. Never in front of Takeomi and those close around her.

"You're late", Y/N stated as the brown haired boy entered their private lounge, the taller boy just gave the girl a sleezy smile as he took a seat at the empty spot to her left, making himself comfortable by kicking one ankle over his knee, one arm reached around the back of the couch where Y/N sat.

"I'm sorry my love-"

"Drop the nickname boy", Sanzu glared at the brown haired boy who returned a smirk. Ever since Mikey went even more immobile and absent Y/N got more and more broken down and hurt and relied more and more onto Suna, making him untouchable.

"Why are you late?", Y/N changed the topic and the older boy chuckled, "Was stuck in traffic."

"You're a horrible liar Suna. Truth, now."

"I got you a little something."

"That's better", Y/N smiled lightly, "What did you get me?"

"That surprise will have to wait until we get home", Suna took a sip of the whisky, he himself was underage, but that was the least illegal thing he had done ever since he met the dangerous girl.



"A third is the most I'll grant you", Y/N spoke coldly as she faced the older man across from herself.


"Maybe I'll just give you 25%. Shut it if you want even a thing."

"Mikey was a better business partner than you, you little girl!"

"Well my father isn't here now. And I say you get 20%. Sit back down before I reduce it even more. Bonten has the power, you're asking for something from us. You don't get to demand things here", Y/N spoke coldly as she looked at Takeomi who nodded in approval.

"I'll declare a gang-war on you!"

"Fine. Go ahead, I dare you", Y/N began, "Bonten has connections in the government. You have barely fifehundret men. You're digging your own grave", Suna finished as he glared at the older man.

Only he was allowed to get Y/N annoyed and annoy her.

"And who are you?!", the old man asked, red in the face by now. Suna chuckled, "I'm the guy that fucks her."

"So she's a whore?"

"No. I am the whore", Suna smiled as he took Y/N's hand into his own, stroking his thumb over the soft parts of her hand, "I make her scream at night, do you have a daughter? I might have made her scream as well. I mean if I can make a girl like Y/N so happy and filled with pleasure then I might do the same to your daughter."

"You obscene boy!"

"Yes?", at this the opponent mafia leader left with his men in tow. Leaving Y/N who started laughing as she fell against Suna, oh how she had missed laughing, how freeing it felt to just laugh.

"Suna!", she called out as the boy held her, slightly tickling the girl while Bonten had to smile as well. The sweet little ghost was still in there.

That must mean that Mikey was still alive as well.



Meme time!:

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Also, I'm sorry for not being as active in general, but I've been working on a game and a new book. Let me know if you want to know a bit more about that! I'd be happy to alk about it! \

Please do check out the trivia book which I just published!

Have a lovely day / night and see you soon,
your author <3 

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