The Human Ghosty: Chapter Six.:

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Just a short warning right here, from this chapter onwards more and more gore will be talked about as Bonten will get more active and Y/N too, will get more time to show off her gory skills, so please if it is not something your stomach can handle please don't read, but I'll of course mark certain chapters / paragraphs when something happens!

Y/N simply giggled as she already loved her new life.

So the next morning Y/N was ready to go at 8:30 with Mikey who would be accompanying her to fill out the left over paper work.

"Does the uniform fit correctly?", the platinum blonde boss asked his daughter who nodded, giving him a little twirl in her new uniform, earning a smile from Mikey.

The new uniform consisted of a white to light grey button up with a dark blue tie, a silver pin on it for Y/N's grade and class, a matching grey and dark blue checkered skirt that reached about the mid of her thighs that was even slightly high-waisted and had pockets. A matching dark blue blazer with a chest-pocket on the left side, the school's logo on it, two other smaller pockets by the waist sides. She wore a pair of dark blue thigh-highs that slightly made the exposed parts of her thighs 'pool over', a pair of dark brown classic shoes with little heels at the back of it, she had her school-bag over her shoulder, it the traditional Japanese school-bag for middle to highschoolers.

She kept her hair in a simple middle high pony-tail.

After she had taken a last glance at her reflection and checked if she had everything with her she and Mikey got into the car, excuse me, the limousine.

Mikey wanted to make a big first impression and show all the little spoiled brats attending the Private Academy that they had nothing on Y/N, that she was somebody to be respected.

On the way Mikey noticed how Y/N started to fumble around a bit, she started scratching her neck as her left leg was slightly jumping up and down.

So he placed one hand onto her knee in a comforting manner as his other hand went to grab her scratching hand.

"Don't scratch like that, you'll break skin and start bleeding. That can leave nasty scars."

She gave him a little smile, as Mikey was still holding onto her bandaged hand.

"Can you maybe tell me why they're bandaged, as well as to why you're always wearing that band aid?"


Mikey took that answer with a nod and got out of the car before reopening the door by Y/N's side, allowing the girl to step out as the duo made their way into the school.


Y/N had immediately a little scowl on her face as she walked past the corridors, only smiling melancholically when they passed a certain supply-closet in which she had hid the skin of the three boys, their skinless corpses were hung from the roof, scaring the students that had class in the upmost floor from having three dead, skinless students smashed against their windows, leaving nasty blood specks on the windows, the poor students that had gotten their seats right next to and open window had fainted as Y/N had laughed, drawing a bloody smiley onto the window from above.

She had to be removed from the school by a special team of the police, they were heavily armed as if fearing that a little albino girl could rip of their heads or bite through their throats at any given time.

And the one thing nobody at the school could ever get out of their minds for the rest of their lives was the sick and twisted grin on Y/N's face as she was escorted out of the school.

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