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"So why'd you call us here Akashi-kun?", one of Takeomi's old high-school friends asked as he and his buddies were sitting in the living room with the rest of Bonten.

"As stupid and dumb as this might sound but we're having paranormal-problems, a few days now and since you guys like those kinds of things and investigate them I thought you'd be able to help us", Takeomi stated.

"You called the right guys!", Hiro, one of the paranormal-investigators said with a big grin.

"Great", Takeomi said, as he said, "Then, well, do your thing."

Leo one of the other investigators got up and started placing all different kind of things around the house and asked Mikey, "Is there any specific time those things happen?"

"No, not really. But the most things happened in that room", he said as he pointed at the bedroom that was upstairs, in which Kayla had slept in.

"What's the time Hiro?", Leo asked.

"22:22 exact", the blonde spoke after looking at his watch.

"Perfect", Leo muttered as he walked back to the rest of the group, and he started to talk.

(Please do not come at me if this isn't the correct way to do it! I just think that's how it's done and based off of videos my friends wanted me to watch about paranormal-investigations!)

"Hello to whatever entity is present here. Please do not be frightened and don't feel threatened by any of us! So you can get to know us a bit better we're going to introduce ourselves. I'm Leo."

"I'm Hiro."

"My name's Glee. Now the owners of this house will introduce themselves."

"I'm Takeomi Akashi, the one who called the three investigators here."

"I'm Kanji Mochizuki but call me Mocchi."

"Ran Haitani, he's my younger brother Rin-"

"Rindou Haitani."


"Hajime Kokonoi."

"I'm Haruchiyo Sanzu, the one who you pushed!"

"The name's Manjiro Sano, but I'm called Mikey."

"Alright, now that you know our names, could you give us any sign that you're here present with us? Please. If you need any energy feel free to take it from any device you want to. To give us a sign you can simply step in front of this device and it will start beeping. Don't be surprised at the noise it won't harm you in any way."

As everyone waited for something they heard the beeping a bit afterwards indicating that the entity had done what Leo had asked.

"Thank you so much. Now there is another devise in my hand through which you'll be able to say a word or a while sentence. So could you tell us why you are here?"

After silence the first device went off again.

"Are you not comfortable with speaking?"

Silence answered the question.

"Do you not have enough energy?", Hiro asked to which the beeping went off again.

"As said before, feel free to take energy from our devises", Glee said and they heard the beeping again.

"Can you tell us your name, or anything?", Glee asked to which the phone in Leo's hand showed and read out loud.


"Did that thing just say 'murder'?", Ran asked to which Hiro nodded.


"Were you murdered?", Takeomi decided to ask.

The beeping started again.

"Do you have enough energy now?", Hiro asked.


"So can you tell us your name now, please?", Leo asked.

But still, no answer.

"Can you tell us how you were murdered?", Glee asked.

But no answer, no beeping nor words.

"Shot?", Ran asked, no answer.

"Poisoned?", Rindou was the one who spoke this time but still nothing in return.


"What did it say?", Sanzu asked.

"Immolation. Glee can you explain?", Leo asked his friend who was like a human dictionary.

"It means death by fire. So were you burnt alive?"


Koko's eyes widened slightly as memories came back to him about his first-love.

"What is your name?", Koko asked persistent.

But still, no response.

"Do you not trust us enough do you?", Leo asked.

It beeped in agreement.

"What can we do to earn your trust?", Leo asked again carefully, as he was looking around the room, for anything paranormal.

Then they heard something being thrown off the railing.

"What was that?", Glee asked shocked.

"That's the little miss ghost", Rindou stated.

"Do you guys know that the entity is a girl?", Glee asked.

Mikey nodded as he explained, "Yeah, and we know vaguely what she could look like. Someone was staying the night and saw that thing."

"W-Were you the entity that the guest saw?", Glee asked.

In return something else fell down from the railing.

"Is it always this aggressive?", Hiro asked with a twitching eye because he didn't really like to be scared with loud noises which the spirit was making.

In return something even bigger fell and the phone in Leo's hand stated something.


"You think I'm annoying?", Hiro asked, one of the many devices beeped in agreement.

"Do you have a younger brother?", Koko asked, needing to know if the spirit could be his beloved deceased Akane.

It beeped; yes.

"Is his name Seishu?"

No answer.

"Koko, the chances of that thing being your dead girlfriend is basically zero-percent", Mocchi stated as he was getting tired.

"I'm not your dead girlfriend."

"There, you hear it yourself", Mocchi said as he rubbed his temple.


Hello my dear readers!

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And go check out my profile, I'll be uploading another story tomorrow latest!
A Tokyo Revengers x female Obanai Iguro story!

Have a lovely day/evening/night

Your author <3 

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