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"Good morning!"

Y/N said in a cheery voice as she floated downstairs to the executives who were currently watching the news of their newest crime.

"Mornin' princess", Takeomi greeted the little girl who grinned from ear to ear as she kept on floating towards the group of men.

"Why are you grinning like that?", Sanzu asked slightly scare from the look he was getting from the girl.

She was grinning devilish and floating towards Sanzu who looked panicked.

"Now Ranran!"

Immediately afterwards Ran appeared behind Sanzu and wrapped his arms around the pink-haired-man to keep him in place.

"W-What the FUCK?!?!?! Let go of me you damnit Annabelle! Let go you fucking Haitani!!!", Sanzu cursed at the short haired man who kept on smiling innocently as the ghost kept coming closer and closer to Sanzu until she was face-to-face with him.

She smiled innocently as well but her eyes spoke other wisely, "This'll only hurt for a second~"

And with that she went into Sanzu.

It was clearly visible how Sanzu was trying to fight the ghost that was trying to possess him.

After a few minutes Sanzu's body fell limp onto the couch.

"What just happened?", Kakucho asked and Ran answered, "Oh nothing! Little Y/N here just asked my help to possess Sanzu~ She told me it wouldn't hurt, at least she wouldn't feel anything~"

"Sweet Jesus", Mocchi muttered while rubbing his temple as soon as Sanzu shot up from his 'slumber'.

"Holy-! It worked!", Sanzu screamed and jumped up high in victory.

"Wow~ I can see the upper shelf!", Sanzu, no Y/N, said as she was running around in the man's body until she stopped and grabbed onto Sanzu's chest.

"But there's something missing, ...", the guy's face paled as he looked down touching Sanzu's crotch with the free hand, "And something is there..."

Y/N seemed terrified in Sanzu's body.

The Haitanis' were laughing, Rindou even held his stomach from all his laughter.

"Is it small?!", Ran asked and Y/N looked at them shocked and shook her head; no.

"Why is it there?!", she asked.

"That would be Sanzu's dick that you're feeling", Mikey deadpanned.

The executives just seemed to have accepted the fact that Y/N had possessed their number two.

"How long do you plan to stay in Sanzu? I'll need him for a mission tomorrow. And does this have any side-effects?", the leader of the organization asked.

"Well, depends, it all depends on how much I tire him", Y/N said as she rubbed her chin with her hand as she tried to levitate.

This ended with Sanzu's body falling face-first onto the cold and hard floor.

This caused the two brothers' to laugh even more, by now Koko had chuckled as well as Akashi.

"Poor Sanzu", Koko mocked, "He'll wake up with a bunch of bruises."

"Get out!", Sanzu shouted as he had gotten back a bit control, this time his voice was back to his masculine voice.

"No! Go back to sleep!", Y/N screamed at the man that was still trying to get back control over his body which the ghost-girl refused to do.

"Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with his body", Y/N said with a devilish grin on her face.

"May god help Sanzu. We can't help him now", Kakucho said with a little smile on his face.

The girl even grew on him.


Author here!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! If you did so, please leave a vote and a comment! I'm sorry for not updating in a while but I had quite a few things going on and my studies start again soon, so I'll try to update once a week. But I can't promise that (I'll probably take turn which story I update, so each week another update on a different story)!

See you all in the next chapter and have a lovely day/night,
your author <3 

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