The Human Ghosty: Chapter Sixteen.:

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The Human Ghosty: Chapter  Sixteen.:

"And?", Kokonoi asked, watching how the girl's mouth fell agape, she merely stood up, leaving the room while holding onto the wall, fearing her legs would give out on her any moment now.

Once in her own bedroom, she just broke down, sliding onto the floor, back supported by the closed wooden doors, the envelope still in her hand as she cried.

Ugly cried, for what felt like years to her.

The executives stood outside of her door, all worried for the girl they had grown to cherish and love.

"What do you guys think he wrote?", Ran asked, lighting himself a cigarette.

"I don't know. I didn't read it", Sanzu stated downing some pills on his empty stomach.

"What a wonder", Kokonoi rolled his eyes and Kakucho spoke up.

"Mikey has been with you and Takeomi most of the time. You two must know something."

Takeomi nodded, putting his cigarette out, cracking his neck before he answered.

"He left everything under Y/N's name."


"Everything", Kokonoi affirmed, "His entire savings. All of his personal savings, all 19 703 250 000 ¥ (139 billion USD, 126 225 900 EURO). Then all of Bonten's money and savings. Everything. Every single penny and dime. Everything else under his name, all estates, all apartments, all penthouses. The Sano residence and dojo. And of course all contracts he had done during his life-time, meaning every single person under Bonten, every single person ever contracted by Bonten. And of course everything else he has ever achieved in his life. All personal possessions are now under her name as well."

"She is the sole owner of everything now?"

"You are correct", Takeomi stated, "He even left her his CBT."

Ran's eyes were widened now, this little girl owned everything Mikey had ever possessed.

She had the lives of every single Bonten member under her wing.

One command and she could wipe out the entire senate.

"Mikey's still hanging on, right?"

"Yes. But we don't know how long", Mocchi muttered, "Let's just hope for the best."

"What about the world?"


"She has been given all of his belongings, everything of him; yes. But was she also officially named?"

"Yes. Y/N Sano. She is his heir, his sole heir."

"And were rules stated should anybody dare defy her?"

"She is to be given the same respect as Mikey was given. If not it is up to her what to do."

"People will try to take advantage of her", Kakucho spoke and Sanzu cocked his gun, "Then I'll blow their brains out."

"Don't tell me you support this?", Kakucho asked and Sanzu irked, "You defy Mikey's orders?"

"I'm saying it may not be a good idea to let a sixteen-year old reincarnated murderous ghost-girl rule over Japan's underground when she's in the middle of grieving over her father. Y/N has the emotional maturity of a fourteen year old. She's filled with rage and anger. Letting her rule over everything Mikey owns can and will lead to the world's end."

"Kakucho's right sadly", Kokonoi muttered, "I love Y/N like she was my own, but this letter will lead to our demise."

"Then we'll guide her like we did until now", Sanzu stated, "And Mikey is not dead yet."

"Yes yet", Takeomi spoke. Who knew how long Mikey would hang on?


"What bothers you?", Suna asked as he sat up in the bed, scratching the back of his neck as he looked at the girl who was covered in a babydoll, seated on the cushions across from her bed, whiskey in hand.

Not something she was proud of, her liking to alcohol.

"Dad's not waking up..."

"So I'll have to call you Boss from now on?"

"Don't push it Suna", Y/N hissed through gritted teeth, the boy just shrugged, getting up as he walked towards the girl, placing a kiss on her throat as he knelt in front of her. Hands covering the girl's own hand, holding her in a reassuring manner.

"He'll survive."

"What if he won't?"

"Don't think so pessimistic."

Y/N looked at Suna who peered back at her, "Tell me what bothers you Y/N. Tell me."

The girl looked behind the boy, peering at the ghost who was looking at her.

"I-I can't Suna. I really can't."

"Don't stutter", Suna stated coldly, "You are Bonten. Don't stutter or let your voice waver."

The girl nodded as she looked at their intertwined hands, "Suna. I want you by side. You and your bikers. But if I ever hear about you giving my information away, I'll have my dogs tear you apart."

The boy was taken aback by this, "I think it's best if you go home to your mother now", Y/N finished as she watched the boy open and close his mouth trying to form words, arguments.

"Don't fight me on this Suna. Go."

"Is that an order?"




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your author <3

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