The Human Ghosty: Chapter Four.:

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"I adopted you under Mikey's name. I simply brought the papers, Mikey signed them all. From today on you aren't Y/N Hana anymore, you're Y/N Sano. And that last name is respected and feared."


Soon later they arrived at the old mansion, once the car was parked into the garage Kakucho and Y/N walked into the living room.

Y/N moved her finger up to her lips, indicating for Kakucho to be quiet, she wanted to get one last good scare out of Sanzu and the others.

The man smiled as he slightly shook his head as he watched the interaction that was about to happen.

The now read-haired girl sneaked up to the white leather couch behind Sanzu, out of sight of the others.

Until now only Ran had caught her red hair but decided to keep quiet, no matter what, Ran Haitani was still the partner in Crime of his little ghost-princess.

"Bwha!", she screamed, launching herself at Sanzu, hugging the man from behind wh shot up, panting as he whipped his head around trying to find the person who had scared him before he finally noticed the weight hanging around his neck and the light giggling.

"The fuck?!"

"Still so easy to scare ya' Zuzu!", the girl's voice called out as Sanzu sat back down after he allowed the girl to crawl and climb around him before settling down on his lap, her hands playing with his now longer pink hair, one leg on each side as Sanzu took in Y/N's new appearance.

He knew it had to be the girl, she wouldn't have gotten in if she wasn't, neither would she have called him 'Zuzu'.

Yep it was the little ghost that loved to torment him.

But she looked so different and familiar at the same time.

Sanzu took a closer look at the girl.

She now had brown to red hair coming closer to a copper color bound in two pigtails, one black ribbon around each hair tie.

She had reddish to black freckles, Sanzu counted eight of them and a double mole above her eyebrow, he also noticed her snub-like nose which he booped for some unknown reason. He just wanted to.

She had doe like exposed eyes that had a mixture of chestnut, hazel and ruby red. A pair of thick black eyelashes framing her eyes, matching er eyebrows, she had nice heart-shaped lips, she'd be a true beauty once she grew up.

The only thing bothering Sanzu were all the bandages and the scar.

He took his right hand as he drew after her scar, the way it came up from underneath her dress up to her cheek, ending in a scar that went in two ways.

But she still had this benevolent aura around her, if you looked away from the atrocious part of her.

"Welcome back angel", Takeomi welcomed the girl who gave him also a bright smile, hopping off of Sanzu's lap before going to hug the oldest man in the group.

He gladly returned the hug, careful not to crush her or suffocate her with the strong smell of cigarettes.

The girl soon later let go before jumping onto Mikey, straddling the young man onto the couch, as he watched with disbelieving eyes how the human girl grinned down at him.

Then it also hit him.

She was straddling him, for real this time, he felt her flesh against his own, the little weight she had was almost nonexistent to him, but he still felt her on top of him.

The way she was grinning at him how she used to grin, even if she looked different now, there was no denying that she was his little ghosty.

Well now she was his little Human Ghosty.

Mikey's eyes started to water as he looked at Y/N, taking in all of her, she looked so different and so familiar at the same time.

"Huh? Why are you crying ? Did you hit your tickly-elbow or what?", the girl asked in full confusion, she wanted to know why her beloved Mikey was crying, she never saw him cry before, at least not so openly.

To truth was, she saw him cry, often, very often. She saw him crying in his sleep, muttering names, names she did not know.

She always tried to comfort him, but never could, after all, back then she was only a ghost trying to comfort a human.

But Mikey would never dare to admit to crying, he had many enemies after all. Too many enemies, that's use his weaknesses against him.

So he could not let anyone know about his reappearing nightmares, his nightmares about his family.

About Shinichiro, imagining how he died.

Dreams about Baji's death, about Baji's words, about how it was all Mikey's fault for believing in Kisaki and going against his best friend's wishes.

About Emma and her death, he only turned away for a few minutes and the next thing he knew was that his beloved little sister was laying dead on the ground, bleeding.

He had lost so many of the people close to him, too many.

He wanted to be selfish just for once, wanted to be able to have a family for once.

He already had to push all of his friends, all of Toman away, only Sanzu staying by his side, and even then, just as his right-hand-man.

So just for once Mikey wanted a family, a family that he had found in Y/N.

Both were messed up on so many levels, but Y/N still managed to hide it, she still managed to put a smile on her face, just as Mikey had once done.

"It's nice to have you back here darling", Mikey muttered as he pulled Y/N into a tigh hug, burying his face in the crock of her neck, taking in her new scent.

She smelt like Rosewood. A mixture of a sweet, woody, somewhat fresh like fruits and floral aroma. Floral as roses.

He liked the scent.

It wasn't too bothersome for the nose, as some other parfums he had smelled in the past.

But it wasn't too little either, she'd stay in his mind with a scent like that, whenever he'd smell something like Rosewood he'd think of his beloved little Y/N.

His new daughter.



Author here!

I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, if you did so please leave a vote and a like, also thanks to everyone for reading, we're almost at 80K Readers!

It's amazing how fast time flies back, feels like yesterday when I had only ten readers! So thanks to everyone for sticking around, especially as this story was supposed to be just something very short as in like 15 Chapters max.!

I hope to also publish a chapter tomorrow, maybe not for this book, maybe for this book, I don't know. But I'll try to publish as soon as possible!

If any of you have any questions regarding the story as in when a certain character will appear / should a certain character appear, feel free to message me or comment your question! I love reading them, I really do <3

Have a lovely day / night and see ya'll in the next chapter!

your author <3 

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