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"Morning", Mikey said groggily as he walked downstairs to the rest of the executives.

He was rubbing his eyes sleepily, holding a stuffed fish-formed Dorayaki in his other hand.
His hair was messy, and he wore his usual attire, black long sweatpants and a matching long-sleeved black t-shirt which exposed a bit of his shoulder and clavicle.

"Hello Boss", Mocchi greeted as he was sipping his coffee.

"Anything new from the little ghost?", Koko asked to which Mikey groggily nodded.

"Jup, that thing kept me up all night."

"How?", Sanzu asked.

"Stop lying! I did not keep you up all night!"

The girl protested as she appeared behind Ran, floating over his shoulder on all fours as she stopped midway over Ran's shoulder.

Plopping down onto him.

Ran smiled a bit and patted Y/N's ghostly head.

"It amazes me how we can touch you and feel your touch", Rindou muttered as his mind compared the ghost to a touch starved kitten, wanting to be pet.

Y/N nodded slightly.

"And to your information *mister I'm depressed cause my friends and family have a pig ass party in heaven while I'm depressed over here*, I did not keep you up all night! I was merely stating weird facts last night!^"

"And I thought Haruchiyo's thoughts were weird. But yours are on a whole new level", Mikey muttered as he sat down at the table, Kakucho handing his boss a plate with pancakes and a glass of water.

"I want Dorayaki."

"You need real food Mikey. So eat up please", Kakucho stated as he removed the apron, sitting down himself.

"Well what did our little ghost say?", Ran asked.

He had gotten used to the ghost girl pretty fast and was the most physical and lovingly with her.

They had this father-daughter or older brother and little sister bond. And both were enjoying it to ends. Especially when they teamed up to annoy Sanzu.

Flashback to the night before:

Mikey was trying to sleep while Y/N was levitating all around him, asking the weirdest questions.

"When you drop soap, is the soap dirty or the floor clean?"


"If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?"

Mikey leaned up on his elbows and looked at the girl with a questioning face while she was floating in front of his bed, holding her chin as if she was in deep thoughts.

"If you describe something indescribable, haven't you already described it?"

"Come again Ghosty?", Mikey asked as the words were messing with him.

"How many pennies do you think would fit into this room?"

"I don't know! Go ask Koko, he's the money obsessed one!"

"Do fish get thirsty?"

"How am I supposed to know?!"

"Why is sandwich meat round when the bread is square?"

"Actually good question", Mikey agreed with the red-eyed ghost.

"If mankind developed from Monkeys, why do Monkeys still exist?"

"As some biologist!"

"If you punch yourself and it hurts are you weak or strong?"

"And idiot, why would you punch yourself?"

"Which orange came first? The colour or the fruit?"

"Huh?! But you do have a point there."

"If two vegans fight, is it still considered beef?"

"Did Sanzu give you something?"

"Ordering a new PC online is forcing your old one to dig its own grave."

"How do you come up with that?"

"If you were born deaf, what language would you think in?"

Mikey simple stared at the girl in disbelief.

"When you get clean while showering, why do the towels get dirty?"

"You're gonna kill me with those questions."

End of flashback

"Actually, good questions", Sanzu agreed with the ghost, his mind already being overloaded.

"And I have more!"

"We should have gotten her cleansed out of the house", Mikey muttered which cause Y/N to make a dramatic gasp.

"You wouldn't dare to! Would he?"

The last sentence was directed to Ran on whose shoulder she was still laying.


Hello my dear readers!

Your author here,
I'm sorry for not writing for some time but I didn't have much time and didn't have any ideas, but I'll try to update some more!

Please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and go check out my other stories!

See you in the next chapter,
your author <3

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