The Human Ghosty: Chapter Seven.:

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"Oh my godddddddd", Y/N started cheering quietly as she and Keisuke entered the pet-shop owned by his father.

"Ah! Kei you're back from school already?", Chifuyu asked not turning around to look at his son.

Kazutora though, he did turn around and his words shocked Chifuyu, making him drop the coins in his hands.

"IS that your girlfriend or what?"

"Girlfriend?!", Chifuyu asked as he immediately turned around and faced the girl with red hair and auburn eyes.

Immediately the black haired man was in front of the young Y/n looking her up and down and giving her to brightest smile he could muster, "Are you dating my son? I already thought he'd be as unlucky with the girls as myself! Good that he got his Mom's charms though! Now what is your name dear? You're absolutely adorable!"

"Dad", Keisuke muttered, rubbing the back of his nape in an embarrassed manner as he blushed.

"I-I'm not your son's girlfriend. We're just good frien-", before Y/N could finish Kazutora got involved.

"Yeah right. Tell that to your baby in nine months."

This caused both teens to blush.

"Kazutora! They're kids!"

"So? You'd be surprised how many guys back at the juvie had knocked up their girlfriends when we were teens."

"Now why did you bring your girlfriend?", Chifuyu asked his son.

"She wanted to see the puppies."

"You like animals?", Chifuyu asked to which Y/N nodded excitedly.

"Oh my, marry her Kei."

"DaD!", Keisuke spoke now really embarrassed.

"Well anyways, follow me to see the pups", Chifuyu spoke as he led the way to the back where they kept the puppies.

"Oh my, aren't you the most adorable little puppies", Y/N cooed as she looked at Chifuyu who nodded, allowing her to get closer and pick up one of the little pups.

She did so and received a bunch of puppy licks on her face.

This caused the girl to giggled as Keisuke watched with adoring eyes, before walking towards her.

"Isn't she just the most adorable?", Y/N asked to which Keisuke nodded.

"Do you want to keep her?"

"I'd love to, why?"

"You can have her", Keisuke spoke with smitten eyes, receiving a shocked expression on Y/N"s side.


"Of course. I mean, she's the only one that hasn't been adopted yet, all the other's are still waiting for their adopters to come pick them up."

"How much do you want for her?"

"Nothing, seeing you smile is enough."

"You're cheesy."

Keisuke just smiled like the dork he was, earning an eye roll from Y/N who took out her phone and clicked on a certain button, picking the puppy up again and walking towards Keisuke.

"What's her name?"

"We've only named her blue, so you can pick a name for her."

"I think I'll name her Nymeria."

"What a nice name", Keisuke spoke as he noticed the shocked facial expressions of his father and godfather to the people that had just walked into the shop.

"Why did you call us here miss?"

"Because I can't possibly carry all the stuff alone."

Y/N smiled innocently at the men in suits and sunglasses, they were Bonten underlings and Y/N's personal responsible for her safety and well-being.

"What stuff?", one of them asked, already worried, their miss had a weird addiction and habit to buy the most useless stuff and enormous amounts.

"Stuff for my new princess!", Y/N cheered holding up her new puppy.

Chifuyu looked at his son, so this was the reason why Keisuke had asked for one of the puppies.

"D-Does the Boss know about this?"

"He'll know once we get home!"

With that Y/N began to walk around the store, Nymeria in her arms as Chifuyu told her which stuff would be best for a young puppy as well as explaining to her some basics such as which race the dog was, how she should start training and if there was anything to think about while training.

By the end of it the sum of all the stuff was about 280 660 ¥ (2 000 Euro, 2 135 USD) and Chifuyu decided to give her a 'family' discount, rounding the sum of the cost to around 210 510 ¥ (1 500 Euro, 1 601USD).

"And don't forget Nymeria is a Presa Canario, that's a very dangerous breed if not trained correctly. They were originally bred to be guard dogs so they can get very territorial. They are always on the lookout for danger. Okay", Chifuyu asked as Y/N nodded, still holding the sleepy little puppy in her arms.

Y/N had already fallen in love with the lovely little beige dog.

"Okay, and if you ever need help with the training just come back here", Kazutora spoke as he put away some newly arrived collars.

"Again, thank you so much Suke-chan", Y/n spoke with a bright smile as she pulled him into a quick side-hug.

One thing was for sure, Y/N got attached quickly and hard.

"See at school on Monday", Keisuke said as he rubbed Nymeria's little head before waving goodbye to Y/N.

She had been in the school for a few weeks now and the two had grown inseparable,. They already had their little trio.

It consisted of Keisuke Matsuno, Takashi Shiba and Y/N Sano. And neither of them had any knowledge of their parents connected past with the Sano family.


"What the actual fuck?"

Mikey stood in front of his daughter, arms crossed as he was rubbing the bridge of his nose with closed eyes.

She'd cause his death one day.

"What? Don't you like her?", Y/N asked holding the now awake puppy to Mikey allowing the dog to lick his face.

"Why did you not stop her?", Mikey asked the security guards.

"What's going on now?", Rindo asked tiredly rubbing his eyes at all the commotion.

He had decided to sleep in but was not expecting to see a bunch of boxes and a very annoyed Mikey looking at a happy Y/N who was holding a little puppy.

"What have you down now?"

"My classmate gave me a puppy", Y/n spoke with the most innocent smile she could muster.

"Really? Then what is all of this?", Mikey asked the girl who was still giving the most affection to her newly bought puppy.

"Well, we already bought everything so we gotta keep her!"

"What breed even is that?", Takeomi asked and Y/N answered brightly.

"Presa Canario!"

"You got a fighting dog?!"

"No, I got an adorable guard dog!"



Author here!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and Kazutora being a sarcastic brutal honest person and Chifuyu being a supportive Dad.

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and please leave a Vote and a Comment!

I hope you liked it and have a lovely day / night,
see you all in the next chapter,

your author <3 

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