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"Now what exactly do you want?", Kakucho asked the levitating girl that was currently giving them an eerily scary smile.

"Easy, I want you guys to get rid of my murderer's family."

"Like the whole family?", Takeomi asked to which the girl nodded with a bright smile.


"Will you give us a name?", Rindou asked.

The ghost-girl thought for a bit before she nodded energetic.

"I never forget a name! My murderer was named Hiroto Hayashider. I want him dead, I want his entire family dead. Him, his wife, his children, his grandchildren, his pets, I want all of them dead!"

"Why so aggressive?", Mikey asked.

"Because he burnt me alive! He killed my entire family so that's karma! And I can't do much! All I can do is posses him in the best way! That bastard got his home blessed so no otherworldly entity can ever enter! So you guys need to kill him!"

"Anything else? Special way of killing? Message you want us to give him?", Sanzu asked, ready to do everything so the girl would strop trying to kill him.

"I want you to kidnap him, tie him up, torture him, beat him up, beyond recovery, rip out his nails and teeth! Then I want you to set up cameras in front of his house and inside the house, fire-resistant cameras if possible inside the house, and then I want you to burn their house down making sure everyone is in the home. Then I want you guys to show him what you guys did to them! I want you to show him his burning house and screaming family as hey slowly burn to ashes, their clothes, burning off their body, the flames making contact with their skin and marking them for eternity! And once you're done showing him the video I want you to tell him:

'I always come back for those who wronged me, now have fun dying. Y/N L/N.'

And once you've done that I want you to put oil all over him before dumping a canister full of alcohol over him. Then you'll light him up and leave the room while continuing to play the video! And once done I want you guys to collect the ashes and make sure you separate the family's ashes from his ashes, their ashes may get buried but his, I want you to drive around all Japan and pour a bit of it everywhere!"

"How long have you thought about this?", Ran asked, shocked at how good Y/N had planned everything they should do.

"Ever since I died."


The next day it was the 13th 'and Bonten got ready to execute the plan to satisfy the girl.

One everything was set up, all the cameras they went to Hiroto's work-place and kidnapped him, making him call his wife to tell her he'd work over night.

Afterwards they beat him up, doing just as Y/N had instructed them to do.

Sanzu, Rindou and Ran completely bathed in blood, especially their fists.

Hiroto's face beyond recognition, teeth missing, both eyes swollen, his jaw broken beyond recovery, one ear ripped out, tongue cut out.

Currently Sanzu was pulling out the last remaining teeth that the business-man had who was begging for mercy as good as he could.


"Our princess wants you dead", Mikey said coldly, "You see, you made her pretty mad, so now you're paying for it."


"You'll find out, but you should have been more careful with your actions. Remember that fire you started?", Ran teased.

Koko was the only one who wasn't so sure if he could do this, let alone watch it.

Yes, he had killed thousands of people, had even burnt places to hide evidence.

But those people were innocent, the only person who had committed a crime was Hiroto, but they were punishing the entire family, Koko was sure that the wife didn't know about Hiroto's crime, let alone that their dog knew.

But before Hiroto could say anything else Sanzu was already pulling his nails out, causing the man to scream even more, almost losing consciousness from the blood-loss.

"H-Huh?", the almost unconscious man muttered as he saw how one of the eight men brought in a TV, putting in a DVD disc clicking on play.

"Now watch", Ran smirked, grabbing Hiroto's jaw tightly, causing him even more pain after all, hi s jaw was shattered.

The screen turned on, showing a house in flames, screams could be heard.

That was when it clicked in Hiroto's brain.

It was his home, and those screams, belonged to his family.

He started screaming while he was crying himself, trying to beg them to stop.


"Now", Sanzu muttered, as the oil and alcohol/gasoline over the business-man.

"'I always come back for those who wronged me, now have fun dying. Y/N L/N.'"

With that the eight men left the room after lighting a match and letting it fall, until it connected with the gasoline.

As the executives left the room Hiroto's eyes widened as he remembered the name of his ex-fiancé's daughter. The same girl he had killed 29-years ago, whose family he had killed in a fit of jealousy.

And now he was paying the price.

He killed her family and now she had killed his family.

While the eight exited the abandoned building they started hearing the dying man's screams.


"You're back!"

Y/N cheered as she immediately floated to the arriving executives, a bright smile on her face as if she hadn't just sent them out to murder a whole family.

"Wil you tell us why he killed you now? He's dead either way so it doesn't matter now does it?"

Mikey had asked as he was patting Y/N's head.

"W-Well, I don't know too good, but as far as I can remember he was my mother's ex-fiance and cheated on her with his current wife! At least that's what I know."


Author here!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter, if you did so please leave a vote and comment! Tell me your thoughts on the story so far and if you think Y/N did the right thing? Or if you have any ideas of why exactly Y/N wanted revenge so bad, if she's all that innocent, if her family was so innocent, if Hiroto was innocent? I'd love to hear/read your thoughts!

See you all in the next chapter and as you know I probably won't be able to update next week!

Have a lovely day/night,
your author <3 

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