The Human Ghosty: Chapter Three.:

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"So it's decided then, tomorrow we'll go back to the orphanage and adopt her", Mikey spoke the final words as he got up, leaving to go to his room.


"Ah, welcome back!"

A few days had passed which the executives used to gather more information and necessities for the girl they were looking forward to adopt.

Such as sanitary pads, warming-bottles, pain medication especially for period-cramps and pain, sweets, facial products, and much more.

"I already told our dear Y/N. She's saying her goodbyes to the other children and should join us in a few minutes."

The elderly lady kept her hair in locks today, and she wore a nice baby-blue dress, she was surely a lovely woman.

And just as she spoke about three minutes later the girl arrived.

"Y/N, dear, there you are", the woman cheered as she hugged the girl, placing a loving kiss on the to of her head, she truly loved all the children as if they were her own.

"Why did you call me here Miss?"

"This man here is a boy who was one of my children once, and now he wants to give you a home and a family too. He decided to adopt you."

The girl's eyes widened as she scanned the man in front of her, it was Kakucho.

But she tried to hide her joy and happiness, it would be weird to just run up to a man you had never met before and hug him.

So she simply nodded.

"You already packed your things right?"

Another nod.

"Then, everything's ready, do you want to say goodbye to the children?"

A shake of the head, "That'd last days until they'd let me leave."

The caretaker simply chuckled as she gave the girl a few head pats before sending her on her way with Kakucho, both said their goodbyes to the nice woman.

She still had tears in her eyes, no matter how often she had to let go of a child in her care, the two that left also noticed the older woman taking Y/N's picture and pinning it onto the other pin-wall, smiling at the next person she had given a new home.

She truly loved all her children and made sure they had good homes and families, she also always allowed them to visit their siblings.

So Y/N wasn't too worried about never seeing the orphanage's children ever again.

Once the two were out of sight Y/N started chuckling and then laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny kiddo?"

"Took ya' long enough to find me!", she cheered as she threw herself at him, hugging the taller man as he enclosed her in his arms.

He secured her by holding her up with his forearm on which the girl sat as her legs were squeezing Kakucho's waist, her arms wrapped around his neck as she herself had her head placed onto his chest, glancing up at him.

It then hit her, she was hugging him and he was holding her.

For real this time, this time neither was pretending to have physical touch she was really in his arms and he was really holding her up, he carried her.

This caused the girl's eyes to tear up slightly.

Kakucho, the caring sweet man he was immediately noticed her slightly shaking body and shaky breaths.

"What's wrong kiddo?"

"Nothing...", the girl sniffled as she closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of Kakucho's heartbeat.

"Well, you gotta let go of me now, we gotta get in the car."

"Okay...", Y/N pouted as she let go, getting into the passenger's seat and got comfortable, one leg was crossed as the other was laying lazily down as the seats of his jeep were relatively big, big enough for the girl to fit onto it with crossed legs and still being able to have a pillow between herself and the backrest.

Kakucho got in on the other side as he started driving.

"To which place are we driving? The Penthouse, Lake-Mansion, Land-Mansion, Farm, or somewhere else?"

"The old Mansion, Mikey hasn't left it since, so we didn't leave it since. He'll probably start going out more now that you're back. Although a few questions will be asked as to why you look so different now. Also as to what happened while you were gone"

The girl simply nodded.

"I'll tell you someday."

"Was it that bad?"

"It was hell, of course it was bad."

"You're hiding something from me", Kakucho spoke as he looked at the girl from the side of his eye, she had grown a bit quieter, she was hiding something from him.

"Mind telling me at least?"

"Someday maybe..."

"Whenever you're ready. But I hope you know that now you'll also have to go to school."


"Yes, fuck. I'm presuming you already attended a school?"


"We'll write you into a new school, a higher school."

"Which school?"

"Japan's elite private Academy."

"No... only snobs go there..."

"Then you'll kick their asses, as easy as that."

"Won't I get kicked out?"

"Kicked out? Hahahaha!", Kakucho started laughing wholeheartedly as he heard the girl's words.

He looked at her once they were at a red-light.

"Nobody there would even dare to give you detention. Not with the amount of money we put into that school, not with the security we provide them with. Especially not with your new last-name."

"My new last name?"

"I adopted you under Mikey's name. I simply brought the papers, Mikey signed them all. From today on you aren't Y/N Hana anymore, you're Y/N Sano. And that last name is respected and feared."


Hello my lovely readers!

I am so sorry for being so inactive lately but in the last few weeks of school before the semester-break my teacher's are trying to get as many exams and tests in as possible, but after this week it should stop and I'll be able to update again!

About the fallout with my friend, it didn't really get better as she blocked me but at least I got motivation to write again! (Considering I wrote this chapter within a day)

I hope you all had a lovely day/night and I wish you all the best!
See you in the next chapter,
your author <3

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