Chapter Nineteen.:

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Chapter Nineteen.:

"Whose brat is that?", Y/N asked as she looked with disgust at the small ball of joy running around her home, Suna had his usual smile on his lips as Benkei answered, "Lala has an important meeting today, and I can't leave a six-year-old alone now, can I?"

"Woah! You're pretty!", the small girl said as she stood in front of Y/N, looking up with bright green eyes that clashed so much with her darker skin and platinum hair.

"She can stay", Y/N said quickly, her mind seemingly having switched once the girl had called her pretty. Benkei smiled as he watched Y/N disappearing into her room.

"She's not half as bad as she seems", the gym-owner spoke as he faced his friends and former rivals alike.

"She's a sweet girl if you get past that brick wall", Takeomi muttered as he handed the little girl a lollipop, a habit he had picked up because of Y/N.

"'M sure of that", Mitsuya said with a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone. To this Koko just shook his head as he 'tsk'ed, "Tsk-Tsk-Tsk. Don't talk trash about my little princess. Who you think is responsible for all of your collections being bought out immediately after release? Y/N loves the clothes you make."


"Yes! 'M surprised she manages to keep her cool around you and Hakkai", Koko said carelessly as he was inspecting his nails and cuticles.

"Who knew we were liked by Mikey's daughter?", Hakkai muttered in amazement.

"How's Mikey?", Draken asked, finally bringing up the dreaded topic, "And don't give me some bullshi- bullpoop", Draken minded his words around Benkei's daughter, wouldn't want her learning some bad words. Nor the consequences that would come with it. Draken wasn't afraid of Benkei per say, he was more afraid of Benkei's wife, Lala. That tiny woman had the rage of a thousand men within herself.

"He's stable. Surprised your kids haven't told any of you", Mocchi spoke.

"How so?" Chifuyu asked confusion written over his face.

"You'd be surprised who her friends are", Sanzu said as he grinned, "She's friends with your kids as well. One of her best friends is your kid Chifuyu, that little Keisuke."

"I knew she seemed familiar...especially her dog...", Chifuyu spoke as Kazutora nodded with a hum.

"She's also friends with your boy Hakkai", Ran continued with a smile as his brother joined in as well, "Also friends with your girl Taiju."

Taiju held a grim expression, "I know. She's been having her over whenever I'm gone."

Silence engulfed the men afterwards. Those ten years had build up some walls between them.

"She could be a great leader", Koko broke their silence once again, "She has Mikey's charisma, her own ability to twist heads around and wrap people around her little finger. People just need to give her a chance."

Wakasa looked up at the younger boy, "Does she train?"

"No. She hates doing pe", Takeomi said with a smile.

"I'll train her. If she has the muscles to back herself up she'll get more respect."

"She has us. She doesn't need to be physically strong", Kakucho said, "I'll gladly get dirty so she stays clean."

"You really are a loyal soul", Draken said with the smallest hint of a smile on his lips.

"I let Izana die. I won't let Y/N die as well."


"What's on your mind kid?", Wakasa asked as he noticed the girl in the kitchen in the middle of the night. His room was closest to the kitchen-living room and he had heard the ruckus and gone to check it out.

There Y/N was, wearing a little baby-doll dress with her hair braided into two simple braids. She wore fuzzy socks as well, which gave her quiet a silly and childish look.

"Not surprised that I'm up this late?"

"I'm up this late. I have no reason to critizise you for it."

Y/N nodded as she grabbed the box with cookies that Benkei had started bringing with him. They were made by his wife and Y/N adored the sweets she made.
"Come on. It's better to talk in my room."

The man just nodded as he followed the girl upstairs and into her bedroom. He hadn't been in there until now, and it was quite a shock.

Pink and frilly and nothing like Y/N at all. She acted snappy and bitchy to everyone, so he would've expected something a little more like it, and not a pink barbie-dream room.

Y/N plopped down onto her double-king sized bed, curling herself up in her crunchy duvet as Wakasa took a seat on the bed as well.

"So? What's bugging you?"

Y/N looked out of her large windows, into the clear night-sky.

"I...I don't know. I mean on one hand I wanna show the world that I can do just fine on my own, but then I just – I just want to run into dad's arms and hide there forever."

"That's growing up kid. I know that it's hard, but we all gotta get through it."

"But I don't wanna..."

"I know kid. I know. I also didn't want to grow up. I wanted to stay 16 forever, stay young forever, kick some ass forever. Stay with my friends forever. But we all grow up. We all grow up and have to change."

"But what if that change is bad?"

"Not all change is bad. I mean, Takeomi changed for the better. He went from a reckless teen to a responsible adult. Benkei changed for the better, he went from a distant boy to a loving husband and father. I changed, I went from a cocky teen to a reasonable man. The changes may seem bad at first, knowing that you can't do what you used to do, but it... it's not the end of the world. You grow with the change, you start to like the change and appreciate it."

Y/N nodded at Wakasa's words.

"But what if the world changes and we don't? The world is changing everyday. It starts to abandoned the yakuza and the delinquency. But we don't change that. We're still in that life-"

"And it's okay. Your hands are still clean. For you there's still a chance to change with the world. Sanzu wouldn't be able to. If we wanted to change with the world, he'd be in jail or worse. If Mikey wanted to change with the world he'd go to prison or worse."

Y/N nodded as she gave Wakasa a little smile, "You're better at talking than I thought you'd be."

"The fucks that supposed to mean?"

"Takeomi used to tell me stories about when you guys were younger. That you weren't one for words. I guessed that you'd only be a good listener, and wouldn't be able to reassure me if I was worried."

"Oh did he? Wanna know what he did when he was young?"

"Fuck yeah! Tell me everything."



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Author here and welcome back!

Damn that got emotional and very realistic there.... Sorry guys

As always, please leave a vote and a comment with your thoughts, ideas, questions and general feedback about this book so far! I'm not sure how to continue it but I'll to my best to keep on going!

Have a lovely day / night,
see you soon your author <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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