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"Y/N? Not in Sanzu anymore?", Takeomi asked as he was standing in the kitchen, smoking as he was leaning against the counter.

"Hmm? Oh no, I got bored pretty easily! His body doesn't work how I remember my body working!"

"What do you mean?"

"One: He smelled weird, Two: His body got exhausted so easily!"

Takeomi started laughing as he walked towards Y/N, giving her a smile as he pet her head or tried to at least.

"You know? You're a good kid. Despite all the murderous revenge stuff. So if you ever need anything, tell me. I'll give it to you immediately. No matter the price. 'Kay?"

The ghost girl looked up at the smoking man with a small smile as she hugged him, better said latched herself at him.

"You're also not too bad yourself, old-man."

"D-Don't call me that! I'm not even that old yet", Takeomi grumbled as he took another puff of his cigarette:

"How old are you then?"

"I'm 37!"

"Oh, and how old are the others? I never asked, because they sure look old."

"Well, Ran and Mocchi are the second oldest with being 30 both of them, after them come Kakucho, Kokonoi and Rindou with being 28, well I don't know Kakucho's age 100 percent but believe he's the same age as Rindou. After them come Haruchiyo and Mikey, both being 27."

Y/N took a minute to look at Takeomi with big dot eyes before she laid her head to the side, pulling her beloved plushie named Alastor closer to herself.

"I didn't think all of you would be so damn old..."

"Hey! How long have you been dead again? You're like the same age!"

"Correction I am fourteen. I died at that age, so I stayed that age, since I didn't age mentally or physically either way!"

"Didn't grow mentally? You gave us very graphic instructions to do to your murderer."

"As I said, I didn't age one bit, unlike you old men."

Y/N said with a happy smile as she floated away hitting the wall face first.

"Ow! Well that never happened before..."

"You good kid?"

Takeomi asked slightly concerned since he could see the bruise on Y/N's forehead that came from her floating into a wall face first.

"Yeah, but last time I managed to float through the wall and door... weird..."

"Well don't hurt yourself even more kiddo", Takeomi said as he grabbed a beer from the fridge and opened it.


"Where's that devil?"

"Careful with those words Haru-chan. I can go down and get him if you want to."

Y/N said as she floated into the living room, scaring the pink-haired man, he was very on edge around her since she had possessed him.

He did not like how his body had looked afterwards.

Sanzu had woken up, with control of his body luckily, and he was pink and glittering. Y/N had put one-day on-spray hair dye on his hair, and the color was: happy unicorn glitter.

It was all over his hair and it took Sanzu around two hours to get everything out without having to get a buzz-cut. He also had a few sharpy drawings all over him, and a few 'funny' ones as well, also mostly in pink.

For example a few hearts all over his arms and legs, then he had a dick on his forehead and breasts on his cheeks. One breast on each cheek.

She had refrained herself from doing anything to his beloved member but he did wake up with pink unicorn boxers with glitter hem.

He also had found a lot of Band-Aids all over his body, to be specific it were hello kitty, princess, Kuromi. Especially on his face.

"Also where the fuck did you get all the shit you put on me?!"

"Ran helped!"

Y/N said cheerfully as she pointed at the older Haitani who simply grinned menacingly.

"What are you doing here princess?", Kokonoi asked with a smile as he looked at the ghost girl that was smiling innocently.

"I came to continue annoying you all! Because I found out a few things since I've been back! And you'll have to answer me!"

"What questions?", Mikey asked, "Are they those stupid ones you asked me before?"

Y/N didn't answer, simply smiled in return.

"Is it true that, if you're rich enough parking tickets are just how much it costs to park?"

"What?", Kakucho asked confused as the question made sense but the again not really.

But Y/N continued.

"Since George Washington is on American coins he still makes decisions to this day whenever somebody flips a coin!"

"Pardon?", Rindou asked as he looked at the ghost who was deep in thoughts.

"A paper cut is a tree's last revenge."

"How do you come up with those angel?", Ran asked mildly concerned.

"You have a lot of time to think once you're dead."


"If you guys hold your breath to get rid of hiccups it's like you turn your lungs off and on again!"

"Did you take any of Haru's pills?", Takeomi asked as he looked at the girl in a confused but worried manner. His older brother habits taking over.

From having a little sister that acted almost the same as Y/N, except for the murderous revenge rage of course, made Takeomi bond with the girl pretty fast.

"This was my time to shine!"

Y/N exclaimed while tried to float through the wall behind the TV but bumping against it once again, getting another bruise onto her forehead.


With that crocodile tears started rolling down her bleeding forehead as she turned around to face the gith men.

"Poor little Ghosty", Mocchi said in a comforting manner as he moved a bit to the side, petting the place next to him, for Y/N to sit down.

She did as told, the crocodile tears still falling down as she was sniffling.

"Why?! That makes two times today already! I could float through walls last time!"


Author here!

I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, if you did so please leave a vote and a comment and tell me your thoughts on why Y/N can't float/levitate through walls anymore?

And thanks to everyone for voting and commenting! I'm so happy to be #2 of the tag ranhaitani!

Have a lovely day/night and see you all in the next chapter,
your author <3 

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