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"Again, can you please tell us how we can gain your trust?", Leo asked after signalizing Glee to hit Hiro in the back of his head to shut the other man up.


"What kind of food?", Ran asked.

"Sweets, Dorayaki, Taiyaki."

Everybody turned to Mikey, knowing that always had those sweets stored somewhere.

"No. That's mine."

"Please Sano-kun, this'll help to solve this problem."

Something clashed as the entity heard the word problem.

After all even ghosts have feelings and don't want to be called a problem.

"Sorry", Glee apologised to the ghost.

"Mikey, please I'll buy you a bunch of other sweets!", Sanzu said to which the platinum blonde man pouted slightly but got up, walking into his office and out again with a plate in hand on which a bunch of sweets were.

"Great, thank you Sano-kun. Please place them here."

Mikey did as asked and put the place in the middle of the room onto the ground.

"You see, we put you your requested food onto this plate, no one will arm you. Do you trust us now?"


"Thank you so much for your trust."

"First of all, what's your name?", Glee asked.

But no answer.

"Maybe the question is still a bit too personal?", Hiro asked and continued, "What's your gender? We were told somebody here saw a girl, was that you?"


"Thank you so much for your answer", Leo said calmly.

"Can you show yourself?"


"What?", Rindou asked as he had heard the noise from the phone.

"Is that your name? Y/N?", Leo asked.

It started beeping in agreement.

"Thank you so much for your answer", Leo said as he clasped his hands together in a thanking manner.

What shocked them was that one of the dorayaki's started levitating and a bite was taken out.

The colour drained out of everyone's faces as they saw this.

"Is that you Y/N?", Leo asked and the phone said.


"Is there any way for you to show yourself?", Hiro asked.


What freaked them out the most about her answer was that it wasn't coming from any of the devices. It was a voice.

A human-like distant girl's voice.

"Was that you?!", Hiro asked and the same voice answered again.


"How can we help you to show yourself?", Glee asked.


"Is there any specific type of energy that you need?"


"Then, will the energy of a running camera work?"

One device started beeping again.

"Thank you so much", Leo said and put a camera onto a counter with it's sound off and camera facing the ground so nothing could be filmed as he said, "We put a running camera down onto the counter, so feel free to show yourself to us, using the energy."

The heard some rummaging as the camera started spinning in a circle.

Soon later a whiteish-frame appeared.


Yes, another update today!

Hope you had fun reading it, if so please leave a comment and vote!

Have a lovely day,

Your author <3 

Tokyo Revengers x fem! ghost! readerWhere stories live. Discover now