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"Stop doing those things and we'll let you live here with us", Rindou offered.

"Mhh.... No!"

The girl answered with a cheeky grin.

"Why not?", Mikey asked.

"Because I was here first! I have been here for 29 years while you guys have been here only for maybe two years or so?"

"Then why haven't you shown yourself in the past, I don't mean to be rude or anything", Leo said.

"Because I was too lazy to! And stop being so formal with me Leo-chan! I won't curse or haunt you in any type or form! Hiro-cha on the other hand ..."

The ghost said as she held her chin in between her pointer finger and thumb as if she was in deep thought before she gave the men another cheeky grin.

"How old are you? 'Cause you sure act hella childish", Sanzu asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the deceased girl.

"Well, I died when I was fourteen, but I've existed for 29 years. On the other hand though, I still have the mentality of a 14-year-old I believe since I didn't go to school nor learnt anything for the past 15 years... so???"

She then went back to take another Dorayaki and started eating it.

"Is there any way we can live our lives peacefully without you pushing us or throwing things around?", Kakucho asked calmly.


"Then please tell us how."

"Alright, so there are a few rules for you guys!

So first of all; no-body is allowed to sleep in my room! And especially no one-night-stands, if you do so, I will throw that person out of a window or into the fire-place! So also no sex in there!

Second; knock before entering my room!

Third; acknowledge my presence, so a simple 'good morning' or 'good night' would be really appreciated! I was ignored for 15 years so please!

Fourth; I want to be treated nicely in every way! So act as if I was a normal human girl!

Fifth; no killing near my room! Because I will strangle you and the sent free soul.

And sixth; always keep something around so that I have enough energy to show and talk with you. I mean I haven't talked to somebody for what feels like eternity so talk with me!"

"So you just want to act as if we were living with a normal human girl?", Mocchi asked to which the ghost girl nodded happily with a big smile.

"If you don't, I will haunt your asses for eternity."

"Anything else?", Kakucho asked to which the girl shook her head.

"Maybe I'll remember some other things later on."

"Can you tell us why you are sill here? Is it because your soul is trapped here?", Hiro asked, wanting nothing more than be able to set the soul of the girl free so he could stop worrying about his own well-being.

He did not like the way she was eying him up and down as if she was to possess.

"Kinda. I mean my body never got a proper burial, so I can't really go onto the other world, or hell."

"So if we find your body we can burry you and you'll leave us alone?", Sanzu asked getting smacked in the head by his older brother.

"Think before speaking Haruchiyo, Y/N already told us that she was burnt alive so good luck finding her body."

"I already like you",

Y/N said as she put her head to the side, a wicked smile on her face as she was looking at the advisor.

He simply gave the ghost a nod and little smile as she somehow reminded Takeomi of his little sister Senju who had died ten years ago.

"Okay, we stay out of your room and respect your privacy when you do the same for us", Rindou said.

"Why'd you think I wouldn't respect your privacy?"

Y/N asked with a innocent little angle-smile.

"Because I don't like to be looked at when I'm sleeping, or have the blanket thrown off of me, or have me yanked out of bed by my ankle. So stop doing that!"

Rindou said pissed at the ghost's behaviour.

"Come on! That was payback for having sex in my room with me present there! I lost my innocence seeing that!"

The girl fake-shivered in disgust as she made a disgusted face.

"I did not have to know that you have a 'daddy'-kink, nor did I want to know how long two people can have sex in one night...."

With that she looked into nothingness, it looked like she was having flashbacks from having to endure the worst kind of torture imaginable.

"You have a daddy-kink Rindou?", Sanzu mocked with a psychotic laugh.

"Don't think I forgot you drug-addicted-screeching-hyena."

This enraged the strawberry-blonde as his face became red and he held one fist up in front of his face in a threatening manner, a vein popping out of his hand and cheek.

"The fuck did you call me little Ghosty?"

"Oh, you pretty hair!"

Y/N said as she popped out of nowhere next to Kokonoi who was rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger at the bullshit going on in front of him.

"Where did you come from now?!"


Y/N said unsure of what to reply, instead she started braiding the money-maker's money and playing with it.

"Oi, what are you doing?"

"Braiding your hair why?"

"Well, stop doing that, I don't want it to get all tangled up because of you."


But the ghost didn't stop, instead she started pulling and tugging on the executive's hair slightly.

"I said stop!"

But Y/N didn't answer and just had a wicked grin on her face as kept on braiding as she dramatically sighed while speaking,

"Oh, but your beloved Akane allowed me to!"



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I really appreciate everyone voting! Thanks to you guys this story is on place #578 in Ghost out of 40.9 K stories, I really appreciate it and am so thankful!

Have a lovely day/night,
your author <3 

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