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"Any luck finding her?", Mikey asked a few days later, sitting on the couch while watching the news with the other executives.

"No luck", Ran said with a rather down facial expression.

"I'm right here!"

Y/N was floating, waving her arms up and down in front of the couch, with a desperate expression on her face.

"Hello?!?! Can't you guys see me?! I-I was just joking about not wanting to see your hideous faces anymore!"

As the ghost girl was floating up and down in front of the eight men shew was waving her hands hysterically up and down in front of her while mentioned eight criminals were just talking, acting as if she did not exist at all and as if she was ...

a ghost, nothing real.

"We have to find her soon", Kokonoi muttered worried for the girl.

"Simply because the money I already spent on her was enormous", he tried to cover up his caring side to the other men, Ran simply smirked sleazily as he chuckled.

"Trying to cover up your emotions are we Hajime-kun?"

"Don't call me that you Wednesday Adams wannabe", the platinum blonde money maker muttered as he threw money at Ran as if to 'shoo' him away.

"Hey-! I don't even have my braids anymore! Don't bully me like that you- you- you lizard!"

Kokonoi did a dramatic gasp at the other man's words as he had just been called 'lizard'.

"Then how about I cut your salary?!"

Ran let out another gasp, "You wouldn't dare you biatch!"

"Try. Me."

With that the two men went to have a starring contest.

"Can we just focus and finding our princess?", Takeomi asked annoyed at the behavior too early in the morning.

"Give them five minutes. I put my money on Ran breaking first", Mocchi whispered to the older man who shrugged.

"I'm going to find Y/N. You guys have your fun here", Takeomi said as he pulled out the devise his friends have him to locate the ghost, Mikey following Sanzu's older brother as the two were searching for their beloved little ghost-girl.

But nothing.

While Y/N on the other hand was floating around, waving her hands around hysterically, scared that she couldn't be seen.


Takeomi and Mikey simply continued to go look for the ghost girl which was floating up and down in front of them.

But what caused her to completely lose it was when the two simply walked through her.

"It's not fun anymore!!! Stop pretending to not see me!!"

Y/N screeched as she was crying loudly, big tears rolling down her cheeks as she had taken a 'seat' on the ground, her legs bent by her sides, her beloved plushie; Alastor, in her lap as she had the other hand used to wipe her tears away, to no use as she just continued crying in Mikey's bedroom, wanting them to finally see her again.

"I don't wanna be invisible again.... I don't wanna be ignored again..."

She continued whispering to herself as she cried loudly.

"No! I don't want to be like this anymore! I hate it! I hate it!"

Then Y/N noticed something in front of her.

Tokyo Revengers x fem! ghost! readerWhere stories live. Discover now