The Human Ghosty: Chapter Twelve.:

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The Human Ghosty: Chapter Twelve.:

"Why did you decide to drag us here again?", Stephanie asked with a forced smile, Y/N had dragged them along with her to some underground bike-race.

"Oh hush! It'll be fun!"

"Your idea of fun consists of committing crimes."

"And yours is violence", Hikari defended the hyperactive girl who pouted slightly.

Hikari herself wasn't too much of a fan of what they were doing at the moment, but Y/N could have gotten a worse idea, and anything was better than having to be bailed out of jail. Again.

Y/N had dragged them into the first row, being separated from the racers by a relatively thin wired fence that reached up to two meters, the racers shot by each other on the line, each one having a better motorcycle than the last one, all of them having great equipment.

"And what's so fun about this?", Himiko asked, "This is highly illegal."

"Like my existence isn't", Y/N spoke, glancing at her friend shortly before going back to looking at the men racing in front of her, cheering from time to time.

"For who even are you?"

"Guy in maroon. On the matching maroon and black MV Augusta Dragstar 800 RR Pirelli. The new model."

"Little lady knows her way 'round bikes I see, ay'?", one of the other watchers asked as he had noticed the detailed description the girl with reddish hair had just given.

"'Course I do!"

"My moneys also on 'im", the same man answered, he himself looked like a biker.

He was this really big guy, two times two meters maybe, greying bears in which he head beard-pearls, a bandana around his forehead where his somewhat slicked back greyish hair sat. A pair of sunglasses hung by the collar of his T-shirt, he wore a plain black shirt of some band, the thing that was more interesting was his leather-jacket, it had no sleeves and had a really cool logo on the back.

It was a biker-gang, not like Toman, but also not like Bonten.

"You guys bettin' money" Ain't that illegal?"

"Not unless ya' get caught!"

With that the two laughed as the man took a sip from his beer, focusing back onto the races.


"You guys can go ahead home. I'll stay a bit longer..."


Steph warned Y/N who had a confused expression on her face, "What? Not like I'm gonna do some' stupid."

"More like you wan somebody to do you stupid."

"What? Not true!"

"Yes true", Himiko spoke, "If you need us ring us up."

With that the smaller girl dragged the older one off.

"Don't have too much fun", were Hikari's last words to Y/N who blushed slightly, her friends knew her all to well, but she didn't care as of right now.

The girl simply ran up to the boy who had just taken off his helmet.

And god be good, he was hot.

"You won."

"huh?", he turned his head around and looked down at the girl who stood in front of him, one hand on her hip the other held her phone.

"What's a doll like you doing here?"

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